Chapter 2: Who Are You Again?

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As soon a we finsh dinner we run up the flight of stairs ready to trasform. We enter Ruena's room this time because it has a window. Her room is a light cyan and has a similar desk and cloesit, the only difference is the window which is wide look through kinda of thing.
"You ready?" I ask everyone nodeds in reply then me and my sister say
"BLOT/SPOT Lets start running!" We say. Then as soon as they is said a light beam circles around me and my sister. Then leytx materialize over my body my tail pops out with my ears and my whip goes around my hips. My hair goes in a ponytail with a black streck in it. Finally my mask (A/N: I looks like stormy weather's mask but yellow with spots) comes on to complete the look.

(A/N: Kinda like this, but more cheetah spots. But you get the picture)

My sister locks the door and we go out the window. We run fast as lighting in the roof tops not even making a sound then we see two figures coming towards us. We stop and say

"Hello Ladybug and Chat Noir, pleasure to meet you." We say bowing with our hand together and have our whips in our other hand. I see ladybug getting in a fighting stance and Chat take out his baton

"Who are you, are you guys miraculos holders?" Question ladybug
"Well, of course we are and as for the names, I am Blur." I said then ran over to Chat and hugged his arm.
"And I am Speed" said my sister then ran to Chat and hugged his other arm as well.
"We are the legendary Twin cheetahs hold power the power of speed--" said my sister running to ladybug and grabbing her yo-yo and running to me who let go if chat and joined her
"And stregth" I finished as I lifted chat in the air and the put him down.
Then we heard a whisper "where do you think the Akoma is?" I heard ladybug said.
"Ow, that hurt me!" I said faking a faint and my sister holding me
"An Akoma would of throwed your yo-yo awhile ago now wouldn't." She said returning the yo-yo
"And a Akoma would've have done this to." I said conneting our whips together and ran around Ladybug and Chat Noir tying them up in the process. Then we both do a back flip and land back to back of each other
"How about a deal?" I spoke in a pressuring tone.
"We let you go and you ask your Kwamis a question tonight." My sister finished
"And why we do anything for you?! I could break this with my cataclysm right now!" Said a mad Chat I put my finger on his month to stop him from talking.
"How about you try that." We said in unison yet again.
"CATACLYSM" He shouted and put his hand on the connected whips and it doesn't even make a scrach
"So you were saying?" We say together
"What do you want?" Said a pissed off Ladybug
"Well like we said earlier we want you to ask your Kwamis tonight about the lost miraculous know as the twin Cheetahs."
"Okay we will, now untie us!" Shouted Ladybug
"How about, no. The whip will disappear when we transform back. So good night-" "Sleep tight" "and don't let the cheetahs bite" we say and leave going around Paris first then heading home just in case they escaped somehow

Ladybug's POV

Me and Chat waited for the whip to disappear once it did we jumped up and ran in the diraction of the Cheetah Twins, but we lost them we head back to our spot and I said
"Do you think they were right?" I asked my partner
"Maybe we just have to ask our Kwamis." He simplely replied and kissed my hand and leaved I headed home and de-transform to Marinette.
"Tikki were they right?" I asked walking to my jar of cookies and have a few to Tikki to recharge
"Marinette, what do you think?" She says before she eats her first cookie
"I think that are just a akoma that happen to get two people at the same time. The all that it is, right Tikki?" I say trying my hardest not to sound nervous but failed. Tikki sighed and put her cookie down. Floated over to me and said

"Marinette, they wasn't seven miraculos, there were nine. And the last two are the Twin cheetahs, Legdenary power of a cheetah is more powerful than the Black cat ring and Ladybug earrings, but only given to those worthy. Those cheetahs you saw were the true cheetahs." She said with a hint of sadness.
"Okay, but why didn't Chat's Cataclysm work?" I questioned
"Because the whip of the twin Cheetahs can never be broken. Even with the Cataclysm, it will never break. The whip can even break our yo-yo string. But I will talk you more another time, you have school tomorrow and plus a new student to meet." Tikki said in a motherly tone. I got ready to bed and then join Tikki in the bed. "Good night Tikki" Good Night Marinette"

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