Chapter 4: Running Across Rooftops

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Your POV
I needed to get away for a bit, so for the first time in a long time I am transforming alone. The photoshoot isn't for another 2 hour so I'm good. I tell Blot my plan, she surpisingly agreed to this. As I lock the door I hear foot step, I assume it Natalie but when i look to see, i see a pair of enchanting green orbs looking at me.
"Y/N, you ok? Really worried about you and you seem abit upset. " Adrien voice ask from the shadows.
"Adri, what are you doing there? " I simply ask wonder why he was in the shadows infront of my door then it hit me.
"So Adri, your willing to spy on me to make sure I'm alright?" I ask yet again as I say that I am scratchings him under his chin he make a sound simulating a cats purr. "I'll take that as a yes." I say going back to my room and lock the door. I shout "Blot, Let's Start Running!" My transformion begain first my body was covered in yellow leather suit with spot begain to appear on my suit my ears and skinny tail pop out. Finally my mask and whip and i strike a pose for a few second then I'm off. Racing on the roof tops of Paris. I saw people staring at me saying stuff like 'she is another villain' or 'Ladybug will stop her' all these people care about is Ladybug. Ladybug this Ladybug that, gosh shut up for a few seconds and think about something else than Ladybug. When I realized I had to go I sneaked around the Agreste Manor and found my room sneaked in. And said "Blot, stop running. " I detransform and change my clothes to match my sisters. I head to her room and to see what she would wear, knowing full well Gabriel wanted us to match so once she opens the door see her holding an outfit for me.

A/N: You choose which one you and your sister wear

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A/N: You choose which one you and your sister wear. Hair um, you decide that too.

"Here Y/N put this one on. I will take the other one." Ruena handed you the outfit and changed. Once that was complete you head to the waiting room and (surpisingly) wait for everyone else. First one you saw coming down the stairs was, Adrien. You blush faintly at what he is wearing. He wear his normal outfit, but the only differnce is his shirt that had writing on it said 'Me-och, that hurt' I roll my eyes at the pun.

Adrien's POV
I walk down the flight of stairs. I see
Y/N faintly blush. I also blush at what shes wearing, a tank top that said '99 Problems' and a (Light blue, Green, Red)
skirt that flattered her bottom figure. Her shoes where the same color as her skirt and (hat or bow). Finally her hair had tips of the color.
"Be smooth, and be gentle" I hear plagg whisper.

Finally Felix and Ruena came down together. I bet the're really together. I take Y/N's hand and we walk to the car and to the photoshoot.

I hear Ruena and Y/N talking about something and then she said to me
"I really don't want to do this. How you put up with constent photoshoots like this?" She asked

"I just think that it makes my father happy." I said as she looks at me with 'Aw'.
The limo stops and we walk out of the limo. As we walk I noticed that Alya and Marinette are here with a little girl. I just happen to have candy if Blot ever wanted it. I run up to them, "hello girls, enjoying today its wonderful weather. " I say trying to make coversation.

"Hey Y/N. Me and Marinette are watching this little monkey here" Alya points to a little girl.
"Here you go, it mystery flavor so you don't know what it is. Spooky" I say trying to give her a scare but fail. The girl laughs instead.

"I have to go for now, but after I am done with this awful (Pawful) photoshoot we can hang out. Is that ok?" I ask little scared of rejection. But before I get an answer, the girl and Alya run off to the Mery-go-round before i run after them an ice dome appears. I whistle to my sister signaling time to transform. She gets up from her pose and runs to me and we hide behind a bush and Blot comes out

"Here is your chance to show Paris that your heros. Come On. I am dying for action." She whisper yells
Me and Ruena Yell together

Hi everyone, sorry I didn't post anything but, Drum roll please---today is my Birthday. Yesterday was anyway, I am got the best present ever. I got 69 view, it doesn't seem like a lot but it is to me. Thank you all for your love and support
Remeber to, Vote, Comment, and share. Till next time, this is 👑Queeny👑 signing off.

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