Rescued, Kind Of (7)

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Caspian's POV

"The only human looking person in this castle with bloody wings." Peter said. I nodded and ran out of the room. I knew the professor would be locked up if he wasn't in his room. I hope Adelaide was still in her cell, if she was dead I knew King Peter would be more of an arse than he already was.

I ran into the dungeon, taking out the key keeper. I grabbed his key and around the cells. I opened the door, of a cell containing the professor. I smiled at his sleeping figure. I awoke him.

"Five more minutes?" I rhetorically asked.

"What are you doing here?" He question as I picked the lock on his handcuffs.

"I didn't help you escape, just so you could break back in again!" He scolded me. I shook my head at him

"We are giving Miraz your cell." I answered him. He turned me around to face him.

"Don't underestimate Miraz like your father." The professor said to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry." I knew what he was talking about. I pushed him off and ran up the stairs. I knew where his chambers were. As I was passing the torture room, I heard cries of pain coming from inside.

I decided I would enter, just to see who was inside. I entered to see a girl, about a year younger than myself, tied to the table and with an iron chain around her stomach. I was about to leave when I caught a glimpse of grey coloured wings tied underneath her. Adelaide.

Adelaides POV

I had lay all day in the room. I had had no food, no water. I let tear fall as the iron burned deeper. The door opened suddenly and in stepped a boy around Peter's age. He was dressed in Telmarine armour making me shy away from him in fear.

"Are you Queen Adelaide?" He asked cautiously. I nodded. He rushed over and cut away the ropes holding me down, he then carefully lifted off the iron chain. I sat up.

"Thank you." I whispered to him. He then went behind me and cut my wings loose. He moved in front of me as I opened up my wings fully. The aches they had caused me vanished after stretching them out. The man then held his hands out to me.

"I am Caspian, and I am going to take you to Peter, who is quite moody when you aren't with him." He smiled. I chuckled and took his hands. He steadied me as I took my first agonizing steps in hours.

"I need to go to Miraz to get revenge for what he did. You need to come with me." Caspian informed. I nodded my head and followed him as he led me through the castle. The burning was still in my body, but the knowledge that Peter was here gave me a newfound energy. Outside a room, Caspian told me to wait for Peter. I nodded and he had entered.

Seconds later, Peter and Susan ran around the corner. Peters face lit up when he saw me. He ran too me and I jumped into his arms. His hand wrapped around my waist and the other in my hair.

"Addy! I thought I'd lost you." He whispered. I pulled back and connected our lips. He kissed me back, and then pulled away. Peter looked at the state of my clothes, the tattered rags I now wore made his face twist in anger.

"What did they do to you?" He whispered. In the moonlit castle he saw the scar that ran the left side of my face. His finger traced the dried blood that stopped it from bleeding. My bloodstained, tangled hair didn't make me look like a queen at all. He then took off something around his waist and placed it on mine. I realised then that it was my daggers. Peter took two things off each of his shoulders and turned me around. I turned and felt him putting something on my wings. I felt the familiar weight of my wing blades and smiled at him. Then Susan hugged me, took off a leather-armoured skirt she was wearing and put it on me. I smiled at her.

She burst into the room Caspian was, arrow ready to take flight.

"We don't want you to either." She said. Peter and I entered the room, weapons ready.

"This used to be a private room." Miraz stated. Peter glared at him, then turned to Caspian.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be at the gate house!" Peter scolded. Never in all the years I had been with Peter had I seen him react in this manner. This only made me wonder what he had been going through while I was away.

"No! Tonight for once, I want the truth." Caspian cried. Something had gotten him angry. After knowing him for about 10 minutes I could easily say he was kind and caring, so threatening to kill someone wasn't part of his character.

"Did you kill my father?" Caspian hissed, pressing the blade deeper into Miraz's neck. Caspian's eyes were wide with anticipation for an answer everyone in the room knew. In that moment, Caspian wasn't a prince nor an adult, but a scared, grieving boy, desperate for the truth, a truth he already knew.

"Now we get to it?" Miraz asked. Peter, Susan and I were all silent as we watched this family, this broken family beg for truth, all pointing weapons at each other. I mentally thanked Aslan we never had these kinds of family arguments.

"You said your brother died in his sleep." Miraz's, who I presumed, wife stated.

"That was more or less true." Miraz replied.

"Caspian, this won't make things any better." Susan said.

"She's right, this will not bring back your father." I interrupted. The desperation was clear in his eyes. He didn't know what to do. Either way, the rest of us would be captured and killed.

"We Telmarines would have nothing if we had not taken it. Your father knew that as well as anyone." Miraz spat.

"How could you?" His wife asked, disappointed in her husband. She lowered her crossbow and looked towards the malevolent man that had been the figure of my nightmares for weeks.

"For the same reason you would pull the trigger, for our son!" Miraz hissed. He bagan to step forward, making Caspian hold the sword tighter to his neck. His wife pulled the crossbow back up, causing Susan to tighten her bow in warning. Blood from Miraz's neck began to trickle down, however Miraz showed no sign of any discomfort or pain.

"You need to make a choice dear, do you want our son to be king? Or do you want him to be like Caspian, fatherless?" Miraz snarled, looking deep into Caspians eyes.

"No!!" She cried. Then the trigger was pulled.

"Caspian!" Peter called. The arrow hit Caspian's upper arm, making him drop his sword in pain, giving Miraz enough time to escape.

"Guards!" The lady called. Susan ran to Caspian, removed the arrow.

Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me along the corridors. Susan and Caspian ran behind us as we came out into a courtyard. We ran to a chorus of bells being sounded. We knew all the guards would be awoke and would all be coming to get us. This thought made Peter run faster, letting go of my hand. The pain from having the iron rest on me all day stabbed at my stomach. I stopped running and crouched in pain. Hands grabbed me and pulled me up. I turned to face my aid to see Caspian holding me up.

"Are you alright Adelaide?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I replied and began to use my wings to carry me over to Peter and Susan, who were battling to get the gate open.

"Who exactly are you doing this for?" Susan snapped at Peter. I saw Peter glance at me as I landed. It was obviously too late to stage any kind of attack. I do not know what had happened to Peter, but I did not like what I was seeing from him. Did he understand people would die? We helped him with the heavy wheel, listening to the battle cries of soldiers as they flooded down the stairs. I heard the familiar sound of the Narnian army approaching while the gate slowly lifted. Soon enough, the army came through, charging at the Telmarines. Peter stopped turning the wheel, drew his sword and charged with his troops.

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