To Kill An Angel (8)

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Peter sprinted forward, I took to the air, flying over him and throwing daggers at any Telmarine soldiers attempting to attack Peter. I watched as more Telmarine soldiers filed in, resembling ants coming out of an ant's nest to attack the predator. I saw Fawns jump from balconies while I threw daggers at unsuspecting Telmarines. After a few minutes of this, I had used all the daggers, forcing me to resort to wings. I landed and swiped at three Telmarines that were kicking the mice that approached them. The mice nodded in thanks, then scurried off somewhere else. I heard footsteps from a balcony and saw many Telmarine soldiers lining up with crossbows.

I caught sight of Edmund sliding down a roof top and knock out one of the soldiers who happened to be aiming at Peter.

"Ed!" Peter shouted in warning. I saw other men turn to aim at Edmund. I jumped and flew at them. Edmund shuffled back into a room and closed the door. Meanwhile, I had tilted the blade of my wings and flew directly along the line of firing Telmarines. I locked eyes with Peter who nodded in thanks.

After finding two of my previous daggers, I began spinning, hitting any soldier that came close to me. I spotted Miraz step out on the balcony, accompanied by three guards. I glanced at Peter who was staring at Miraz. I looked at Miraz to see him glaring at me. Peter ran forward to attempt to get to him, but a guard aimed their crossbow at the man I love. I was too far away to fly and get there in time so I took aim with a dagger. With all the energy I had, I threw the dagger, watching as it cut through the air, finally finding its target, deep in the mans chest. Peter whipped and saw my worried look. Still he ran forward, accompanied by a minator, who jumped ahead. Many Telmarine men chose Peter as their target, all wanting the pride in saying they had taken down a high king. I flew over to him, dodging arrows as they whistled around me. Once I was close enough, I grabbed Peter's shoulders and pulled him down to the bottom of the stairs. Before I could see Peter's annoyed expression I flew back over to the men and pushed them all off the side, sending them falling to their immediate death. Peter ran up the now clear stairs. I looked to the top to see a minataur hanging onto the balcony and throwing off the two remaining guards. More ran out from the room, the first shooting the minataur, causing him to fall from the balcony.

"Get that gate closed!" Miraz ordered.

I flew to Peter.

"The gate, they are closing it, we need to leave." I panted. The ache of days of torture came back. Peter nodded, trying to drag me with him. I removed the head of a Telmarine who was running at us.

"Peter, get them out. I'll fly back after, I promise." I promised. Peter reluctantly let go and began shouting orders. I looked over at the Narnian army who were being pinned down, killed and shot at. I knew this would all be different if Peter hadn't chose to stay and fight a pointless battle. The gate began to drop and I watched a minataur run and hold it up.

"GET BACK! FALL BACK!" Peter bellowed over the roar of battle. I flew over the battle and hit as many Telmarines as I could, telling the Narnians to run. A centaur grabbed Susan and ran under the gate. Continuous fighting had cause the cut on my face to begin throbbing, making me feel the pulse my heart was creating. Caspian ran out with two horses, giving one to Peter who jumped on and riding one and the professor riding the other. I watched as they galloped to safety. I ran to the gate, pushing Narnians to get out.

Not long after Peter had escaped, shots began firing at the minataur, who was trying to hold on. Once two more arrows were lodged in its body, the creature fell lifeless. Peter didn't cross the bridge, but stayed at the gate. I ran and looked through. His face held tears as he watched me press my face up against the bars.

"Go." I mouthed to him. The other Narnians were shouting at him to leave, but it was my voice whispering that one word that made him jump over the bridge. I knew his army would wait as long as they could for me.

I watched the remaining Narnians all get shot, quicker than ever. No Telmarine shot at me. I stood in the very centre. I locked eyes with Miraz, glared, and began to fly above the blood bath the battle had become. Just as I reached the top of the castle, allowing me to see Peter and the Narnian army waiting, I felt an iron chain wrap around my foot. I screamed in pain, willing my wings to keep me flying.

"Addy!" I heard Peter call, as another chain was thrown, wrapping itself around my waist, pulling me down. After fighting, I couldn't hold on. I dropped to the hard ground bellow. Miraz approached me while his men held me down on my front, leaving me wings exposed.

Miraz came closer with his iron sword. This was the end. I knew that.

"Adelaide, did you know that an Angel can bleed to death if you remove their wings?" He growled. The next thing I felt was excruciating pain. A pain that couldn't be described. A pain most people blacked out from, but I didn't. Instead I had to endure the searing pain and burning sensation being created by one instrument, by one sword. The pain ran through me with a terrible intensity. The pain didn't stop when the torture was over. If anything the pain I had felt was better, instead I was left with an ache that couldn't be sourced. The ache left my head pounding and black spots clouding my vision. The feeling of blood leaving your body was strange, for I did not feel the blood leave, but instead felt it pool around my chest. The last thing I saw was two dirtied white, feathered, bloody objects lying limp on the ground. Then I finally let the darkness consume me.

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