Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV
The rest of the ride was silent, but not awkward. Soon, he stopped the car and looked at me.

"Goodnight Harry" I said.

"Goodnight Sunshine" he smiled at me.

I entered my house smiling like an idiot.


Next morning.

I woke up, fixed my hair and wore a white blouse and dark red pants.

I opened the front door and saw Mia waiting for me outside.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey" I smiled at her.

We walked to school. My first class was math. I entered the class and sat on my usual seat.

I looked through my bag to find the notebook where I write down whatever is on my mind. I heard footsteps and looked up at Harry. He didn't even look at me.

I honestly was at least expecting a word from him... Good morning would be nice.

As soon as the bell rang I got up and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey Tay"

I looked around and found Maggie "hey Mags"

We walked together to meet Mia and get lunch. We stopped at Maggie's locker and I saw Harry making out with a blonde girl.

"Ugh that bitch" Maggie said, looking at them.

I could feel my heart break in pieces and did my best to hold back my tears. What, did I really think that he liked me? This is what I get for having expectations that he would at least talk to me today.

As soon as we finished lunch I wanted to go home because I was not feeling well. I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry.

I got up and walked home.


The ringtone of my iPhone woke me up. I answered it.

"Tay come over in 5 minutes" I heard Maggie say.

"What? Why?"

"It's urgent, just do as I say."

The last thing I wanted to do was face Harry and considering the fact that he lives there, the probability of seeing him is pretty high.


I walked to Maggie's house and knocked. Harry opened the door and looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Um... Maggie asked me to come over, she said it was urgent." He rolled his eyes and let me in.

"This is her room" he said and walked to the next room, closing the door after entering it.

I knocked and Maggie opened it.

"I have a date" she jumped out of excitement.

"With who?"

"A guy from Biology! I've been low key crushing on him since forever!! C'mon now, help me get ready"

I helped her find something to wear, did her make up and hair. When we were done, we headed to the living room to wait for her date.

Harry walked out of his room and looked at Maggie. "Where are you going?"

"Date" she smirked. He rolled his eyes. "Harry you should walk Taylor home. It's getting pretty late."

I looked down and said "no it's okay, I can walk myself home"

"Girl it's dark outside"

"Maggie I'm not 5" I said, smiling.

"It's okay, I can walk you home, I'm heading that way anyways." He said and grabbed his phone. "Let's go"

I got up, hugged Maggie, wished her good luck on her date and followed Harry. We walked slowly and he looked at me.

Suddenly I felt anger building inside of me. "What did I do wrong?" I looked at him, expecting an answer. He stopped walking.

"W...what?" He asked confused.

"Yesterday you were all nice and sweet, kissing me and today you were sucking faces with that bitch!"

He started laughing? WHAT?

"Taylor, honey you didn't think that I liked you just because I kissed you, did you? Babe, I kiss girls on daily basis, you're no special to me."

You're no special to me.

You're no special to me.

I felt tears falling from my eyes. I fought the urge to slap his beautiful face and just walked towards my house.

He didn't follow me. He just continued walking on another direction, leaving me walk alone, in the dark.

You're no special to me.


Ok guys this chapter was bad but it was the longest chapter I've ever written. I know my chapters are short but I updated 3 chapters today so I think that's fair. And btw they will get in a relationship, just not this chapter. ;)

Ilysm and see you very soon❤️

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