Chapter 10

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Taylor's POV

2 months later

I spent most of my free time with Harry. Maggie and Mia are now closer to each other than to me but honestly I'm fine with that.

I know people say that your happiness shouldn't be based only on something or someone but Harry and our relationship makes me happy. He's my best friend and boyfriend at the same time. He supports me and is there for me on my worst and best days.

I was laying on my bed thinking about our moments together and looking at the polaroids and photos of us.

*flashback starts*

I woke up earlier the next day because my cramps were killing me. Fuck! I just got my period. Oh and did I mention that since me and Harry became a thing, I've been cursing a lot more that I used to?

I laid on my bed and started crying because my cramps wouldn't stop. Fuck, I'm such a baby! I heard my phone vibrate and I answered it.

"Hey babe"

"Hey" I said, trying to cover the fact that I was crying.

"Are you crying?"



"I'm coming over."

What? Before I could answer he hung up.

He opened the door about 15 minutes later without knocking and sat on my bed.

"Who let you in?"

"Your mom" he smirked at me.

"Why are you smirking?" I smiled because he's just perfect.

He shook his head, still smirking and then placed a plastic bag on my lap. I opened it and saw that it was full of junk food, mostly chocolate. I smiled out of happiness because my period equals to hungry Taylor.

"What are this for?" I asked him.

"Well, since you're on your period, I thought we should eat junk food, cuddle and watch movies." He said shyly.

I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. He took the bag and threw it on my nightstand and laid on top of me.

I pushed him away and he looked at me with a questioning look.

"What? I'm on my fucking period bitch! You're not supposed to touch me, let alone lay on top of me!"

He started laughing so hard and I just hugged him and laid my head on his chest.

"How did you know I was on my period?"

"Well I knew something was wrong and I just guessed period because yesterday you were perfectly fine."

I kissed his cheek and he smiled. We spend the rest of the day cuddling, kissing and watching romantic movies while I cried my eyes out like an idiot.

*end of flashback*

I smiled at the polaroid where I was eating the chocolate he bought and my eyes and nose were red because of The Notebook.

I placed the polaroid down and took another one that we took together when we decided to go and watch the stars.

*start of flashback*

Harry and I had dinner at his place that night. When we finished eating he took my hand and dragged my to his car.

"What the hell? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" he winked at me.

I shook my head and got in the car. The ride was in a comfortable silence, while he took my hand in his and kissed it. God, I love it when he does that.

When he parked his car, I looked at the meadow where it all started. The meadow where he promised me that he wouldn't fuck up and I promised him I'll be there for him.

I looked at the clock. 11:49. Harry opened the door and helped me get out of the car. We laid down on the grass and he took me on his arms.

I looked at the stars and the moon.

"It's beautiful." I told him.

"Do you want to know why I brought you here this late?"


"Look at the stars." He said and took a deep breath. "Every night we're not together, try to count the stars around you. You can't count all of them. Whenever you doubt the fact that I love you and I'm not there to remind you, I want you to look at the sky and try to count the stars. Those stars represent my love for you. It can't die, it's always there, you just have to find the right moment to look for it. I love you, Taylor."

This was the fist time he told me he loved me. By the time he finished talking I was crying.

"I love you too, Harry"

*end of flashback*

I opened my balcony door and looked at the stars. I tried to count them, but it was impossible so I just gave up and smiled.


This is my favorite chapter so far. I'm still deciding if the story will have a happy ending or a sad one. What do you think?

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