Chapter 12

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Taylor's POV

New Year...

We decided to go to a party to celebrate since we've spent the last days at home.

I put my dress on, did my make up and fixed my hair. I didn't feel comfortable enough with my body to actually wear a crop top or something sexy to impress Harry but then again, we've had sex so I had no reason to be insecure. I just didn't want him to think I was desperate for attention because his attention is all I need and I'm blessed enough to have it.

I grabbed my small handbag that matched my dress and walked downstairs to meet Harry.

He looked at me and took a deep breath.

"Hey Princess! You look goooood!" He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed him gently on the lips.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Styles" He smirked and I grabbed his wrist to get out of the house before we end up on my bed making out.

He started driving and I looked out of the window.



"Promise me something" I looked at him.

"What babe?"

"Let's just stay together and not drink tonight. I don't want any incidents to happen."

"Whatever you want, Princess. I'm all yours tonight."

I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too"


We arrived at the party and Harry poured us two drinks. Mia and Maggie came over and we started chatting and ended up dancing while he was talking to some guy. My legs started hurting and I look around for Harry. He isn't there anymore.


I grab another drink and start walking around the house looking for him. I open few doors and find people vomiting or making out.

Until this one door. I open the door and find a group of guys smoking something. I stare at them while closing the door until I see him.


"Shit" I hear him say.

"I can't believe this" I tell him as I'm crying.

"Taylor wait..."

"Fuck off" I tell him while walking towards the door. "Give me the car keys, your dope friends can drive you home after you fuck some girl tonight"

"Fuck! Taylor wait! Just let me fucking explain." He grabs my wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me you fucker!"

"Please" He says and for the first time ever I see him crying.

"Fuck you." I whisper. He fucked up. Really bad.

Harry's POV (you're welcome;) )

I fucked up. Really bad. Shit I'm an asshole.

"Taylor please! Let's just drive home and we'll figure this out" I beg her.

"You can't even drive considering that you are fucking high!" She shouts.

"Baby please" fuck I'm crying. Fuck this shit! I'll do anything for her.

"Don't fucking baby me!" She screams louder.

"Please Princess just drive us home. Just hear me out when I'm not high anymore and we'll figure this out. If you can't forgive me then just fucking break with with me. Just please, please baby let me explain." Tears continue falling down my cheeks.

"Fuck this shit." She whispers. "Fine"

"Let's go." I take her hand to lead her to the car and surprisingly she doesn't tell me to fuck off.


Hey y'all. I'm feeling better now so here's the new chapter.

This paragraph is personal, you don't have to read it if you don't care. So my best friend is changing schools and idk how I feel about it bc I kind of feel like our friendship is toxic but she's also my best friend...

Anw I love you❤️ Thnx for reading💕

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