Chapter 21

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Taylor's POV
I looked at him and I melted. His green eyes were staring into mine and his full lips were so pink and perfect I wanted to kiss him really bad. He threw his arm around my shoulder and my skin burned form his touch.

"How are you?" Our faces were close.

"I'm er...f...fine," he starts moving his hand on my shoulder, his long fingers caress my skin. He  knows how to drive me crazy.

"Aren't you going to ask me how I'm doing?" He flirts, his raspy voice so sexy.

I feel like a teenager, crushing on the hottest guy on school.

"Yeah, how are you?" My voice shakes. He's driving me crazy. He continues to touch my skin, his hand moving down to my arm.

"I'm fine, I guess," he leans closer. "So...are you dating?"

"Er- why do you care?" Mhmmm he's not the only one that knows how to drive me crazy. He is jealous and overprotective. I'm not complaining though. I love him the way he is.

"Just asking," he tries to keep calm but I can tell he's pissed. "So, I'm guessing I should keep my hands to myself then?"

Wow, does he think I'm dumb? Bitch, I know my boy. Him asking the same question using different words, doesn't mean I'll answer it.

"I don't know, should you?"

I'm driving him crazy and I'm enjoying it. A lot.

He moves his hand from my arm and I must admit, that wasn't what I wanted. He places his hand on my thigh.


"Well, I don't know either. I was hoping you could tell me..." He runs his hand up and down my thigh. I miss his touch so much and his teasing isn't helping. I bite my lip to keep myself from moaning and he chuckles.

"You know that drives me crazy, baby." I moan when he calls me baby. Shit! "Mhhhmm you like it, babe"


"Now, if I did this, would you tell me to fuck off?" He says and before I can comprehend what he just said, his lips are on my neck and he's kissing that spot that drives me crazy.

I moan and I can feel his smirk on my neck.

"Harry, stop," I try to convince him that this is not right but it comes out like a moan not a demand.

I place my hand on his chest, muscles may I add, and push him away from my neck. If he wants to play, let's play. I look at him and bite my lip. His eyes widen and I lean in to kiss his jaw line and go down his neck.

He places his hands on my shoulders and pushes me. I look at him confused and he looks away.

"We can't do this." What? "We can't do this here. We need to go somewhere private."


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