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Okay so I'm going to be basing this fan fiction off the movies mainly because it's a lot easier to manage.
Note/-I do not own any characters apart from my own Raven Potter the rest of the characters belong to J.K.Rowling

I grasp Harry's hand. Normally he would pull away vigorously, telling me to shove off. But today he is as nervous as I am if not more. There are so many children milling about that it's hard to breathe. This was all new to us. The witches, wizards, magic.

"Come on Raven, the train is going to leave soon, we wouldn't want to miss it" Harry announces. He lets go of my sweaty hand now that there are less people around and guides me towards a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. I follow him faithfully as we work our way down the train looking for an empty compartment.Harry finally finds somewhere for me and him to sit alone and converse. I sigh deeply and look at the floor as Harry sits next to the window looking outside at the parents parting with their children. I can't help but want to know what it feels like, my parents missing me. But unfortunately its the other way around.

"Have your powers you know.....yet?" Harry asked breaking the silence between us both.

"I dont think so" I replied airily, still looking at the floor. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I have the power to use extreme wandless magic. I can shoot, what Hagrid calls them, spells out of my hand and apparantly I can do a lot more but I haven't discovered it yet like transform into animals. Suddenly a ginger boy with freckles slides our door open and sticks his head in. He makes his way towards the seat and plonks himself down next to Harry.

"Ron Weasley" he beams. Ron takes a bite out of the apple he held in his other hand, making a loud crunching noise. I grimace as the juice runs down his chin.

"I'm Harry" he tells Ron in a polite tone "and this is my sister Raven" I smile as he mentions my name.

"You're the Potter twins!" he declares proudly, as if he can't believe his eyes. I blush slightly and nod my head slowly.

"So it is true, about the..." Ron lowers his voice "Scars?" I look at him slightly amused as to what he just said.

Harry lifts up his fringe, as do I to reveal our matching lightning bolt scars. Harry then nods at me as if giving me a que to use my powers. I reach my hand out slowly towards Harry's glasses and summon them towards my hands. They fly off his face and into my hands immediately.

"Hey!" he snatches them back and places them on his head.

"Wicked. But no one ever mentioned your powers, why's that?" Ron comments, holding his hand up to Harry for a high five. Harry returns it politely.
"It's been a secret until now, just don't mention it to anyone ok?" I say gently but firmly so he gets the idea. I open my book as Ron chatters away to Harry, who looks slightly taken aback by all the question but nonetheless he answers all of them truthfully. Not before long Harry plucks up the courage to ask Ron the questions.

"There's seven of us" I hear Ron say in between chewing the sandwiches that undoubtedly his mother packed for him. Geez does this boy ever stop eating?

A gentle voice outside calls "Anything from the trolley?" The cart pushed by an elderly woman stops outside our compartment. Ron jumps up to see all of the confectionery placed onto the trolley, he looks disheartened as he probably has to money to buy it with. I look at Harry and pull out my small sack of gold coins I had gotten from my vault at Gringotts.

"We'll take the lot!" Harry and I exclaimed at the same time smiling at each other knowingly. Ron gasps at the handful of gold coins in my hands and the lady at the trolley, couldn't believe her eyes! She quickly takes the money and helps to give Harry our purchases before we can change our mind. When she disappears down the aisle with her now empty trolley.

Crossed Love (Draco Malfoy Romance) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now