Library Antics

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Raven's POV

I watched Malfoy stomp out of the Great hall. Harry gave me one of his confused looks but I just shrugged it off and turned back to Fred.

"Any of you want to come to the Library with me?" I asked and recieved a couple of mumbled 'no's and shakes. "Fine then" I grabbed my bag and made my way to the library. Being in the hosptial wing wasn't the best thing because I have alot of things to catch up on.

As I walked in I recieved a nod from Pince, the librarian, and made my way to the back of the library. I rounded the corner and smashed hard into someone. I fell to the floor, my books scattering loudly across the hard carpet.

"What the- watch it. Freak" Spat the blonde haired boy I had just seen in a fit of rage.

"I should really look up the defenition of truce, because apparantly I have it wrong" I said aloud, earning a shush from the librarian.

Malfoy held his hand out and helped me up. I waved my hand and my books went back into my bag. He raised his eyebrows and pulled me by the robe and sat me down next to him.

"What was that scene in the hall?" he shout-whispered. That scene? THAT SCENE? He's the one that started it in the first place.

"You're one to talk, Malfoy." I smirked. "Like you weren't sucking that pug bitches face off just to get my attention."

His face went slightly red, but it wasn't out of anger. I hope so anyways.

I stood up and moved away from him as quickley as possible. But he was quicker. Malfoy grabber my wrist and pulled me back.

I was about to punch him when he grabbed my fist and drove me back into the wall. His face inches from mine. His cold icy eyes stared down into mine. I closed my eyes and tried to read his mind but his eyes changed colour for a split second and went back to normal. What? I tried again and the same thing happened.

"You wanna try that again sweetheart?" His voice lowered and face still centimeters from mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach unknowingly as his lips brushed over mine slightly, causing me to feel extremely guilty.

"I can't" I breathed and turned my head away. I feel so bad because of Fred. I mean i'm, what Ron would call it, 'fraternizing with the enemy' and to be frank Malfoy is the enemy.

I look of disappointment washed over his face as he stepped back and let me go. I rushed out of the library and back to the common rooms. Confused and happy at the same time I sat and stared into the fire place.

Sorry thats short I'm kind of suffering from good ol writers block right now but the story is now moving on and yeah. Vote, comment and follow. Peace :))))))

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