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Raven's POV

I catch up with Ron and the others just as they're making their way towards the Covered Birdge. 

"He let you leave?" Ginny exclaims when she sees me. Ron however, has a sour look on his face. I come to realise that he had seen everything. I nod slowly in reply to Ginny's squels and catch sight of two figures in the distance, running towards us. A boy and a girl. 

It's pretty obvious that it's Harry and Hermione, as we charge towards them I wonder how they managed to escape and where Umbridge is. But before I can ask, Hermione beats us to the chase. 

"How did you get away?" She explains. Ginny looks at Ron and beams proudly. 

"Puking pastilles, it was not pretty at all." Lauren said. 

Ron beams as he takes Harry's wand out and hold it out to him. I do the same with Hermione's wand which had been safely stored in my pocket, along with my own. She takes it gratefully. 

Behind me, Neville clears his throat. "So, how are we getting to London?" He asks Harry. We all look to our appointed leader. Using the Floo Network is clearly out of the equation with the Slytherins vomiting inside. 

"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, but I've got you into enough trouble as it is." Harry states, pushing us aside so that he can get through. Amazed at how he's still persisting in trying to get rid of us, I shake my head slowly. 

"Harry, we talked about this...." I trailed off. 

"Dumbledore's army was supposed to be something real," Neville backs me up, "Or was it all just words to you?" 

We all look at Harry expectantly, awaiting his decision. Without us there, he would get himself into trouble. And to be fair, I am the older one but Harry seems to think he sat in that crib alone by himself and I wasn't there the night our parents were murdered. 

We all look at Harry expectantly, waiting for him to give in. 

"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself mate." Ron adds for moral support, nodding at Harry as best friends are supposed to do. With a reluctant sigh, Harry nods slowly and gives in just like when Hermione and Ron suggested forming the DA. "So, how are we getting to London?" 

For what seems like a million years, we stand and figure out how we are actually going to get to London.

Nobody expects Luna to be the one to come up with an answer. 

"We fly of course!" 

We all look at her in confusion, "Luna...brooms are out of the question..." Ginny retorts slowly. Luna shakes her head, her thick blonde curls jumping. "No, not brooms. Follow me!" 

With no alternative but whatever Luna has in mind, we follow her as she runs back across the Covered Bridge, away from the castle and towards the Forbidden Forest. 

I pick up on where she is taking us as does Harry long before and he congratulates her on the plan that she came up with. We canter through the woods, our wands raised and ready for any attack in this perilous place. 

We reach a clearing that I've visited a few times before y care of magical creatures lessons. Except today we don't have Professor Grubbly-Plank or Hagrid with us. 

A colony of peculiar looking beasts, with dark skin and appearing to be made entirely of bones. Large black wings stretch from the sides of the horse-like creatures, who are peacefully grazing in the clearing. Luna, Harry and I stride confidently towards the two of the creatures. 

"Don't be shy, they're harmless. They're called thestrals." 

"What are you guys doing?" Ginny asks. I turn to notice that Hermione, Ron, Lauren and Neville and looking around confusedly.  

"Thestrals can only been seen by those who have seen death. Imagine a scarier looking horse with wings." Harry describes for the others. 

"We're going to ride them?" Lauren asks Luna, who nods enthusiastically. 

"They're quite safe." Luna reassures me. 

"Have I got this right? You're expecting me to fly all the way to London on some strange thing that I can't even see?" Ron coughs. Harry places a hand on his shoulder and nods. 

"You'll be fine, just don't move around too much." 

Luna, Harry and I guide the others towards the creatures and help them climb on. The creatures stay completely calm and still whilst being boarded, waiting for their passengers to become accustomed to the strange feeling of sitting on something that isn't visible to them. 

Once us three are on the three more beasts, one of them whinnies loudly and begins to canter, taking off and carrying Luna with it. The rest of our thestrals follow closely suit. 

After we pass over the Black lake and begin to head upwards and into a southerly direction, I realise how tired I am and rest my head on the neck of the thestral, shutting my eyes as we soar into the air. I'm going to need all of the energy I can get tonight, and despite the fact that i've only known it for a short period of time. I doubt that my thestral will let me fall. 

WELL, i've finished my exams so I thought now would be a good time to get back into writing again. Sorry this was so short, I wanted to release something quickly so I could inform you all of my coming back! Anyways, how are you guys? I hope that you are all doing well. Also, I am going to be starting a Thorin Oakenshield FanFic! I've always wanted to do one and now that I finally have the time to do whatever I want without any exams or responsibilities whatsoever! So yeah! Keep an eye out! 

- Not-Trendy. 

Crossed Love (Draco Malfoy Romance) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now