Jokes and Laughs

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 Raven's POV 

With June, the OWL examinations came as well. And throughout this whole entire mess of a year I haven't been able to study much. 

I had woken up extremely early to get in some sort of study and revision before the test. I read book after book, scanning and skimming through the pages of endless information and taking out the important parts that I may need. 

My ears twitched upwards at a slight creaking noise across the common room. My head turned quickly towards the noise and I come to see that Draco has been standing there the whole entire time, watching me. "Uh, you alright there?" I ask, amused. I looked back down to my book, burying my head in it. 

I feel a weight push down on the sofa cushion next to me as he sits, still silent. "I asked, are you alright?" My voice monotone and my head still buried in the book that I was reading. I all of a sudden felt a pang of hurt spread throughout me. I was shaken at the feeling, I didn't have a reason to be hurt. But then I remembered. The connection. 

"Draco, I know something is wrong. Tell me." I said, putting my book down on the table in front of me. 

"Last night, a group of ten broke out of Azkaban. Including my Aunt." His breath was shaking and his voice wavered. "We can't do this anymore, Raven. Us-this whatever it is." My face turned into a frown. I wasn't sure of my feelings towards anyone and when I even looked at Draco I was sure. 

I felt a lump in my throat form. I quickly pushed it down and turned my face into sternness. "If that's how you want it. It's not as if this was going to go anywhere anyways. I get it, you'd rather be with Pansy." I said back, really wanting to hurt him and he just did to me. "Anyways, Fred is a lot better." 

"You're right, what do I care?" 


That wasn't the answer that I'd wanted. I'd wanted him to tell me that he loved me, and that he wouldn't leave me no matter what. I'd wanted him to wrap his arms around me and kiss the tears away that would spill if he uttered another word. 

But instead he'd just told me that he didn't care anymore. 

"Fine is that it then?" My voice wavers at the wrong point. 

I stood up and grabbed my things with my head held high and walked out of the common room, not looking back. There was no way I was going to be played with and taken for granted. I knew this was all to do with the dark lord but I couldn't help but think that this was all Draco's fault. 

Breaking me from my thoughts, I bumped into Harry and Lauren, who seemed to be having a conversation about the exam. "Hello guys." I changed my mood quickly, not wanting them to see what I was feeling. 

"How're you Raven?" Harry asks. "You look really tired, what were you doing up all night?" He says, assuming the best of course. 

"Studying, I heard her go down to the common room really early." Lauren interjected, a knowing look was on her face and I began to wonder if she knew. She probably did, I wasn't very good at hiding things from her. Harry wasn't the most observant person. That was usually me. Harry thinks on impulse before thinking things through and isn't very good with emotion if you ask me. 

Before Harry could reply, we arrived at the hall. 

As my surname began with a P, I was placed in the middle back of the Slytherin column, with Harry sitting in the same seat in the Gryffindor row beside me. Malfoy was sitting a few rows in front. He wasn't that hard to spot, not everyone was a tall, almost 6ft tall guy with platinum blonde hair. 

I'd been flying through the questions of my exams when a loud bag, like a door being slammed shit, came from outside the hall. 

I looked up when I head it and at Harry, who was slightly sweating and looked confused. The noise happened again and this time more people heard. At the front of the room, Umbridge looked up and frowned. 

A third crash erupted. "What in Merlin's name..." Umbridge trilled, clenching her chubby fists and storming down the aisle. Her arms swing as she strides down the gap between desks, her heels clicking annoyingly on the stone floor. As she passed me, I grimaced at the hideous bright pink of her outfit. Clearly her position as Head of Hogwarts had done nothing to decrease her audacious way of dressing. 

Umbridge threw open the huge doors and strode outwards, ready to bark at whoever was making the noise. What she did not expect was a golden spark, fizzling as it flew into her face and then darted off into the Great Hall, splitting into three smaller balls and then exploded into light. 

Then silence. 

Umbridge stares furiously, checking around in a twitch fashion to see where the spark had come from. Maybe it was some first years messing about. I wouldn't want to be them when they got caught. 

But none of us had anticipated that it would be the Weasley twins, to come tearing into the room on their brooms, shouting and hollering as Fred threw me a broom. A smirk spread across my face as I realised that Draco was watching me. I hopped onto the broom and flew towards the ceiling. I flicked my wand and caused the exam papers to fly up into the air in a jumbled mess. Everyone else began to cheer as they release more fireworks, in beautiful colours that explode and dance through the air. I roll my eyes as George flies past me and winks cheekily. 

Everyone jumps to their feet as Umbridge staggers back in, watching in disbelief at the scene that was playing out in front of her. Order was broken. 

Fireworks explode everywhere. I laugh as one small spark whizzes past me and flies towards Pansy, causing her to run around and scream. I control one with my wand and it flies towards Draco's head, narrowly missing him as it crashes into the wall. 

But the grand finale was yet to come. Close to the ceiling. Fred and George signal towards me. "Ready when you are!" One of them shouts. George pulls a horn-shaped package from his bag and throws it towards me. I laugh loudly and throw it into the air. I watch in surprise as the horn blasts into a hundred tiny whizzes, before converging them together again to form a giant dragon. A dragon that's heading straight for Umbridge. 

The woman wails as it begins to zoom towards her. I chuckle hysterically as she wobbles, trying to run away from the beast. It bypasses the rest of us and continues after Umbridge. 

Everybody watches curiously as smoke spurts out of it's nostrils and it's jaws close around her. 

There's a huge explosion, and it's impossible to see Umbridge through the smoke. Glass smashes as the Educational Decrees that decorate the wall outside are ripped into a million pieces, all of it falling to the floor in a symphony of tremendous crashing. 

We all zoom outside with student behind us, cheering. The twins pull one last trick as I feel a sharp pain fall into my head. I shakily make my way to the ground, my head pounding as I feel a wave of pain jolt throughout my body. I see Harry fall to the floor. I manage to stay up until the pain finishes. 

"Harry?" I ask, slightly out of breath. He didn't manage to keep his mental walls up. Within seconds Hermione, Lauren and Ron are there too. Harry still seems distanced out but eventually manages to focus on their faces.

"Sirius." He groans, he must've had it worse that I did. As Ron and Hermione help him up, the five of us rush inside. I listen to what Harry is saying, about how he's seen Sirius being tortured by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries, the place that we went for the trial. 

There's a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Tonight, someone will die. 

Well that's that for you. I hope you liked it. Also, I will not be updating as often throughout this year and the next because I have really really really important exams coming up and I have to work really hard to pass them. So I might be on hiatus for a while with a few updates here and there. 

Crossed Love (Draco Malfoy Romance) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now