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Harry's POV

Hermione can be so smart but so stupid at times. She's made me and Raven put up a class for Defence against the Dark Arts. We all walk through hogsmeade to Hogshead where everyone will be waiting for us.

"Who would want to get taught by me? I'm a freak remember?" Raven said, shivering and shoving her hands into her pockets.

"Look on the bright side: you can't be as worse as old toad face" Lauren replied trying to be encouraging but failing horribly.

We all trudge to the pub, our cheeks bright red from the cold. As we get onto the vacinity I feel Raven shift awkwardly.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us then?" I ask, hoping it's just a few people so we don't make a fool of ourselves. Well everyone-- nearly everyone-- hates us and my sister more than me right now so who in their right minds would want to get taught by us?

"Just a couple of people, not many" Hermione says, wiping her feet at the door mat before stepping inside. The smell of alcohol made it's way to my nose immediatley, I scrunch my nose and adjust my glasses.

Here we go.

Raven's POV

Hermione is such an idiot! Why is she making us do this. Everyone hates me and Harry right now so it doesn't make any sense. Also who would want to be taught by a Slytherin? No one that's who. We're all seen as horrible people, although my 'stunt' that I pulled with Umbridge is starting to change people's minds.

The door opens with a creak and the smell of whiskey is pungent in the atmosphere. It's completly empty, like we had asked for it to be. Only with the exeption that there are about 19 students sitting and staring at Harry and I. I take a seat as so does everyone else. We remain in silence for a good amound of time before Hermione decides to break the silence by standing up and clearing her throat.

"Um..hi. So you all know why we're here. We need a teacher." she stumbled on her words awkwardly and shifted from one foot to the other. "A proper teacher. One who's had real experiance defending themselves against the dark arts."

"Why?" a boy piped up.

"Why? Because you-know-who's back you tosspot" Ron intervenes and gives the evils to the boy. I look down and snicker slightly, earning a nudge from Harry.

"So he says" the boy says again, nodding over to Harry.

"So Dumbledore says" I interrupt and stare him down. Seriously why do people even bother showing up if they're going to question everything?

"So Dumbledore says because he says, the point is where's the proof?" he snaps back at me.

"If you guys could tell us more how Diggory got killed" I froze in my chair. Cedric. Before Lauren was here Cedric and I were bestfriends. Great friends actually. We always spent time together and had laughs. Cedric.

I look down and sniff slightly. Diggory. I haven't heard that name in a while. When he got killed last year, I wanted to tear Voldemort apart bit by bit making sure everyone saw. The worst part is, is that I saw him get killed in that bloody maze.

"I'm not here to talk about Cedric so if that's why you're here you might as well clear out now" I say and stand up, my voice confident even thought I don't feel it. "Come on Harry, Hermione let's go they're just here because they think I'm some sort of freak." I whisper-shout.

I begin to walk out of the pub until an airy, gentle voice piped up. "Is it true you both can produce a patronus charm?" she said, looking at me. I stop in my tracks and walk back to Harry.

We both sigh, going to say something but Hermione stops us.

"Yes, I've seen it myself" she looks at me and raises her eyebrows.

"Blimey Harry, Raven I didn't know you can do that" Dean Thomas says astonished.

"A-and she killed the basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office!" Neville Longbottom said to support Dean's statement.

"Third year they fought off about one hunder dementors at once" Ron piped from behind us. He looked at us with a smug grin on his face. I turned around and gave him a look to tell him to shut up but he just grinned even more.

"And last year they really did fight off you-know-who in the flesh" Hermione finished. Everyone looked at us as if they expected us to say something. I just rolled my eyes and waited for Harry to come out with one of his inpsirational speeches.

"Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that" Harry stuttered and shifted around. "But the truth is most of that was just luck. We didn't know what we were doing half the time and we nearly always had help"

"He's just being modest" Hermione intervened.

"No he's not" I said and stood up. "Facing this stuff in real life is not like what's out there. In school if you make a mistake you can try again tomorrow. When you're a second away from being murdered or..." I gulped and looked down, controlling my breathing. " Or seeing your bestfriend die right before your eyes...You don't know what that's like" I sat back down again, my obisidan hair covering my face from everyone staring at me.

"You're right Raven, we don't. That's why we need your help." Because if we are going to have any chance of beating..." she stopped and gulped loudly. "Voldemort." Hermione sighed and relaxed looking like she felt proud of herself for saying the name.

Lauren took out a piece of paper and put it on a table for everyone who wants to join they have to put their name down. I stood by the table and watched everyone write their names down. When Fred reached the table he gave me a wink and I rolled my eyes. I still feel so guilty with what happened with Malfoy.

ooOoOOOoOo SHIT stuff has started to take place now so I hope that you liked this chapter and yeah. TANKS

Crossed Love (Draco Malfoy Romance) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now