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Ryan walked and walked, Ken railing him the whole way, until they reached their destination.

Ken was handing behind Ryan's leg until a girl suddenly appeared behind her.

"Boo!" Ken shrieked and sped to the other side of the room.

Ryan looked at him wide eyed.

"How did you...?"

Ken sped back to Ryan and looked down at the ground. Ryan turned around and back handed the girl.

"What the fuck, Jaide?!You can't go scaring random kids! Oh wait.... Oh do that all the time, but you call it a walk past the park." Ryan scolded as he went to comfort a shaking Ken.

"Bitch." Jaide whispered while rubbing the hand print on her cheek.

"You okay kid?" Ryan asked as he rubbed Kens back. Ken nodded and looked around the room. It was big and really messy.

"Where are the others?"

"Out. Doing a mission."

About an hour later, another girl came in. Her hair was slightly messy and she was... Off. For starters, her hands were fucking knives and her eyes are red.

"Guess who's back?!"

"So the slut returns!" Jaide shouted as she gave Edward scissorhands a hug.

Her gaze landed on Ken and he immediately sped behind Ryan.

"Who's the kid and why is he that fast?" The girl said as a ripple went through her knives and they turned back into hands.

"This is Ken." Ryan was as he looked down the the four year old clutching his leg like it was his last breathe of air.

"Hi. I'm Blade." The lady said as he squatted down and held her hand out. Ken shrieked and ran to some random room down a random hall.

"Damnit. He was too fast for me to see where he went. Help me find Speedy Gonzales." Ryan said as he ran into random rooms. The other two followed and looked for Ken.

They found him huddled up in the corner.

"I want my mommy."

"Oh grow u-" Blade started before Jaide slapped her haphazardly while watching the child cry. Blade rubbed the back of her head as she glared at Jaide.

Jaide's body ripples and wavered until she was completely invisible. She walked away and closed herself into her room to do god knows what.

That left Blade to comfort the boy.

"Hey. I'm, uh, im sorry for scaring you earlier. I will try to not do that anymore." Blade said as she slowly approached him. He dabbed the tears from his eyes and stood up.

"I forgive you. Mommy always told me to forgive people as much as I can." Ken smiled. Blade smiled as well as the little boy slowly hugged her.

Scott's P.O.V.

I looked and search high and low for Ken. I cried and screamed until there was nothing left. I left no stone in turned and it killed me to know I don't have the only remaining part of my family. I kiss Mitch's ring everyday and speak to them both in the afterlife. I wish I could have them back. I often try to pretend that this is a dream that I lunged myself into when I was 18 and that I will wake up soon. That this entire life was only an 8 hour dream that moved unbelievably fast. That I'll still be 18 and I'll still have Mitch in my embrace. I want him back. I want my family back.

They took it away. The people who were too afraid to understand. The powerless. Humans. They did this. They ruined my life and I want revenge. I want to avenge my husband and daughter and possibly my son. I want to make sure no other mutant family has to suffer that.

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