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Above is a photo of Kaiden (HOT DAYUM).

Anyway, hii. Hope you enjoy my book. Let me know whatcha think.

Oh also

francisco Lachowski (but with blue eyes) as Kaiden Westbrook - 18 years old

selena gomez as Cameron Valentine - 18 years old

Douglas Booth as Mason Gray - 20 years old

Your welcome ;)

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I glanced at my house, the house I grew up in, the house that held all my childhood memories. I turned to face the road, this house meant so much to me and here I was walking away from it and moving half way across the country. I took small steps up to the curb and passed time on my phone while waiting for the taxi.

I heard a car pull up beside me and I looked up to find a old man holding a door open for me into the taxi. I sighed and got into the yellow car while the driver put my luggage in the back. I told the fairly old man the destination of the airport, I plugged in my earphones and prepared myself for the three hour car drive. As I looked out the dirty window I thought of my wonderful parents, about how much they meant to me and how proud they would be of me moving out. After their passing I either had to move into my fathers beach house in Australia or stay in the family house in Britain. I couldn't live in the house with all the memories of my parents, of them waking me up every Saturday with kit kat's wrapped in pancakes or how dad always tried to cheer me up with jokes when I got into fights with friends. Mum and Dad left me all their money, houses, cars, everything. It was weighing down on me, so I sold it all, except the beach house. Moving to Sydney was the best thing for me right now, a fresh start is exactly what I needed.

I hadn't realised I was crying until I felt a warm tear fall onto my hand.

"Excuse me? Miss? We have arrived at your destination."

-=- -=- -=-

After what seemed like the longest plane ride ever I was finally in another taxi, on my way to the beach house, but this time it was only a 40 minute drive.

-=- -=- -=-

I woke up to the sound of the car stopping. I looked out my window to see a massive house, my eyes almost came out of my head.

"Uhh excuse me sir? I'm sorry but are you sure this is the correct address?"

He turned his head to me then looked down at the little screen with a map on it.

"Very sure"

I smiled and payed the man.

I was standing on the curb with all my luggage, looking at this giant house that was now mine. I walked up to the house and opened the door, holy shit, was my first thought. I couldn't believe this was mine. I looked around. The door opened into the living room and dining room. I put my bags down next to the couch and walked past the dining room and turned into the kitchen. I sat down on one of the three high chairs that were at the counter. I dialled my best friend's number, hoping he would answer.

"Babygirl!" His deep voice yelled through the phone.

I laughed a little, until I remember how much I missed him. After a moment I replied.

"Hey, I miss you so much"

I heard him sigh into the phone.

"Baby, I miss you too. Remember I'm coming to visit soon."

I smiled at the thought of being able to hug him again.

"Mason, thats the only thing I'm looking forward to right now. Trust me, I remember."

He laughed. After a small moment I heard another voice come through the phone, it was his boss. He sighed.

"I gotta go Cameron, I'll call you tonight ok? Love you"

"Love you"

And then a long beep was heard. I put my phone down and looked around, not knowing what to do. I decided it was best to get some fresh air.

I walked out the house, closing the door behind me. I walked straight across the road and walked onto the sand, looking out onto the clear water. Wow Sydney was beautiful. I sat down on the sand and let my hands play with sand while I stared at the waves crashing down onto the damp sand. I sighed and lent my head back and closed my eyes. For the first time since I left my old house, I was relaxed. But it was soon ruined by a very deep voice.


I quickly opened my eyes, and turned my body around to see another body, a very, very nice looking body. I stood up and looked into amazingly blue eyes.

"uh excuse me?"

He looked at me, he crooked his head to the side and looked me up and down. This made me self conscious. I looked down at my body, embarrassed my the fact I was wearing black sweatpants and a loose crop top that had the band doors written on it.

"You new here?" His eyes meet mine again and I can't help but blush at his intense stare.

"Yea, moved in today." I said cautiously, I mean he was a stranger. A hot stranger. 

He smirked at me and opened his mouth to say something when a guy behind him yelled in our direction.

"Yo Kaiden you coming?"

The guy who's name I now knew as Kaiden, turned his head and started yelling something, I wasn't listening because it was only now I realised he wasn't wearing a shirt and his very toned stomach was on full show.

"Babe, didn't anyone ever tell you staring is rude?"

I shot my head to look into his eyes. I felt my cheeks grow hotter. His face was god like, deep blue eyes, sharp jaw line, big lips. I was getting a 'I'm a fuck boy' vibe from him.

He took a step forward, he was closer then what I would have liked but I stood still, feet planted to the ground. 

He was about to say something when I interrupted him.

"Don't call me babe."

I looked him dead in the eye with a mean look on my face, I watched as his face turned from a smirk to a confused look. I'm guessing I'm the first person to turn him down like that.

"Woah, kittens got a mouth."

I rolled my eyes. I didn't come to the beach to talk to arrogant hotties. I walked past him but he grabbed my arm before I could make my way across the street.

"Just letting you know, we're neighbours. So I will see you round." He smirked at my slightly surprised face.

"I gotta go." I turned to leave again but his grip was still firm on my arm.

"One more thing kitten." He pulled me close to him, my back almost touching his bare stomach. He put his head close to my neck. I could feel his hot breath against my ear and it was driving me crazy.

"Your accent is hot"

And with that, he walked away confidently. 

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