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Hioooooo. I know I haven't written in awhile but I've been really busy with school work and my jobs. But I quit one of my jobs and it's school holidays down here in Australia so hopefully I can write some more :)

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It's a lazy Saturday morning and I'm sitting on my couch watching spongebob. It's been 2  and a half weeks since I moved here, not much has happened. I've become closer with my friends, mostly Ashton, and Kaiden is still annoying, but I guess you could say he and I are kinda sorta friends? In a 'you repulse me' kinda way. I miss Mason so much, he calls me everyday and tells me he'll see me soon, he is the only person that knows the real me and I feel myself slipping away everyday I don't see him.

Just then my phone starts buzzing. Without looking at the name I pick it up. 

"Hello?" I say mid yawn. A deep voice replies.

"Valentine! Hey girl!" I chuckle, knowing that only one person calls me by that nickname.

"Hey Ashton, whats up?" 

"Not mu- wait. Are you watching spongebob?" He yells excitedly. Once again I laugh, he's so childish. He's changed heaps, when I first met him he was shy then as the days went on he became more childish and funny. He's been really fun to hang out with. 

"As a matter of fact I am, care to join me?"

As I barely finish my sentence he hangs up on me. I furrow my eyebrows. That's weird. Before I could call him back there was a knock at my door. I open it to reveal an excited Ashton. 

"I was already here." He says before stepping into my house and running to the couch. I laugh and shut the door.

"How did you even know I'd be home? Or willing to hang out with you?"

I plop down onto the couch beside him.

"Lucky guess and who the hell wouldn't want to hang out with me?!"

He says sassily (is that even a word lol) while flipping his hair.

"Your an idiot Ashton."

He smiles and starts intently watching the Tv. My phone starts to ring again. Caller ID reads: idiot.

"What do you want Kaiden?" I speak monotone into the phone.

"Woah can't a friend call another friend just to see how they're doing?"

I roll my eyes, obviously he wants something from me. I glance over at Ashton and he's already staring at me. 

"Yes they can. But we aren't friends Kaiden." Ashton smiles at me, he's not a big fan of Kaiden.

"Wow princess. I'm offended. But I mean while I got you here, I have a question." I roll my eyes, of course I was right.

"Go on."

"I was wondering if you could help me with some school work." I bursted out laughing. The schools bad boy wants me to tutor him! My laughter died down as I realised he was serious.

"Oh your serious? Umm what subjects?"

"Just Math and History, just help me out or I'll get kicked out of school." Wow, I guess his bad boy reputation has caught up with him. 

"Fine. Come to my house at 7pm. Don't be late, I won't wait for you."

"Ok great bye princess have fun with Ashton." And he hung up. Damn, he must've saw Ashton walking in my house.

I put my phone in my pocket and turn to see Ashton's annoyed face.

"Why is he coming over?" 

I think about it. I'm not sure if Kaiden would want anyone knowing that he actually cares about his grades. 

"Uhh he owes me some money for a bet we made." I blurted out the first lie that came to mind.

He looked at me as if he knew I was lying but ignored it and turned to watch the TV once again. 

It's going to be a long night.

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So sorry. I know it's short but I'm at work and a client is about to come out so gtg. Tell me what you think, should I keep writing?

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