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I stared at the the fan on my roof as I contemplated getting out of bed to go to school. I got out of bed and went straight to the shower. I got undressed and let the hot water relax all my muscles.

I knew today was going to be hard. The first day of my last year of high school. I turned 18 in January so at least I was of legal age all year. After a solid 20 minutes of standing under the hot water, I got out and wrapped the fluffy towel around my wet body. I walked out of my ensuite and grabbed my clothes from my closet.

"Are you trying to tell me something kitten?"

I screamed as I heard a deep voice from behind me. I swung my body around while clutching my towel tight to my chest. My eyes met with familiar blue ones.

"What the hell Kaiden!" I scream. He was standing at his window leaning over, looking at me through his thick lashes. I ran to my window and slammed it shut while sliding the curtains so he couldn't spy on me. I let out a sigh of relief knowing he couldn't see me, but my cheeks were still burning.

I quickly got dressed (outfit above, denim jacket, white loose shirt and black jeans with converse) and ran down stairs to grab breakfast. I poured some cereal into a bowel and sat down at the table and ate while playing with my phone. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

I started walking to my new school. I called them last night and they said they had all my information. I was looking at a map on my phone that showed the way to the school. It was a short 15 minute walk. As I walked into the front gate I watched as everyone's eyes watched me as I walked to the front office. I could hear the whispers of people asking who I was. I looked around before stepping into the building. I saw a familiar face and I smiled at him.

I went into the office and they gave me my schedule. I smiled at the lady at the office and turned to find my locker.

"Cameron! Hey I didn't know you were coming here." I heard Ashton's voice. I looked up from my schedule and saw the face I was looking at minutes ago.

"Hi, it's good to see a familiar face." I smiled at him while readjusting my hand bag.

"What do you have first? I have english."

"Uhh yea so do I." I said to him while glancing at the thin paper in my hand.

He intertwined our arms and started gently pulling me towards the sea of people in the hallways.

"I'll lead the way." He spoke loudly while looking down at me. He was really tall, I had to strain my neck to look up at him. He seemed to speak really loud most of the time. We walked into a mostly empty classroom and we sat down the back. He was to the left of me. He got out a book and a pen and started writing what was written on the board in front of us. I followed his lead, doing the same. Someone took a seat to the right of me, I wasn't interested enough to look at whoever it was.

"Kitten, why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" I immediately rolled eyes at the voice.

I turned my head to look at Kaiden.

"Hey Kaiden guess what?" He raised his eyebrows as if asking for me to continue.

"We aren't friends. I don't need to tell you anything." I said before continuing with my work. He leant over to me, his lips scarily close to me ear.

"You looked hot this morning, I wouldn't mind waking up to that every day." He whispered.

-=-  -=-  -=-

I survived the rest of class, ignoring Kaiden's dumb remarks. The bell went and I smiled at Ashton before walking to my locker.

"Hi! You're Cameron Valentine right? The new girl?" I heard a female voice from behind me. I turned around after placing my books into my locker. I saw an amazingly pretty girl, she had long blonde hair with a small face and her smile was beautiful. She was wearing a bright yellow dress.

"Hey, yes I'm Camer.."

"Oh meh gosh! Your from Britain?" She interrupted me, practically screaming. I smiled at her reaction.

"Yup, I'm sorry what was your name?" I asked as we started walking to the lunch room.

"I'm Allison, but most people call me Ally. Do you want to sit with me and my friends for lunch?" She asked. I smiled, happy that I was already making friends in this giant school.

"Nice to meet you, and sure I'd love to."

We walked into the massive lunch room and all eyes turned to us. I looked around and surely enough I made eye contact with a certain bad boy, he had a smirk on his face. I quickly everted my gaze to Ally, while she pulled me to a table close to Kaiden's. Ally sat down and I smiled at Ally's friends sitting around us. I saw Ashton sitting across from where I was standing.

"Ally, how do you know Cam?" He spoke while smiling.

"How do you know her?" She answered his question with another question.

"We met on the bus, super romantic" He joked while I took a seat. Everyone laughed at him. Ally started introducing me to her 3 friends.

"So this is Ashton obviously, then this Jessica, just call her Jess and then this is Lilly." She pointed to the girls who were sitting on either side of ashton.

"Hi, I'm Cameron. Nice to meet you." I smiled at them. Jess didn't smile, she had a cold stare on her face.

"Wow! Your accent is super attractive." Lily spoke with a wink. I laughed in response.


-=- -=- -=-

It was 4th period and I was ready to go home. I had hung out with Lilly and Ally most of the day. Thankfully I didn't see or talk to Kaiden for the rest of the day. The bell went and the three of us basically ran out the door.

"So Cameron, you need a ride?" Ally asked as we walked into the parking out the front.

"Are you sure? I was just going to walk."

"I'm sure, we're friends now, thats what friends do." She smiled and Lilly nodded in agreement.

We got to her little white car and Jess was already leaning against it with an annoyed look on her face. We all got in Ally driving, Lily in the front and Jess and I in the back. She hadn't spoken to me since we met at lunch. I looked at Ally in the mirror and she mouthed sorry. I smiled at her, letting her know I didn't mind. I told her my address and soon enough she was parked out the front.

"Do you live alone?" Lily asked after seeing there was no cars out the front. My smiled faded.

"Yea um my parents passed last year in October." I said while playing with the end of my sleeve.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Lily said and I could hear the sympathy in her voice. All though I was grateful, I really didn't like it when people felt bad for me.

"It's fine. Imagine the parties I could throw." I said while opening my door. They all laughed at my joke, even Jess.

"We'll see you tomorrow. Do you want me to pick you up?" Ally yelled through her window that was rolled down.

"Sure, I'll see you around eight?"

"Sounds great."

-=- -=- -=-

I don't know. I really like this book but I feel like not many people would like it. Idk anyways hope you had a good day thanks to anyone who reads, votes or comments on my book, it means a lot. Also let me know if I should continue writing.


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