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I'm so tired and I'm writing this on my phone so please forgive me for probably a very bad chapter :)

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It was way past the time Ally had told me she would pick me up but I was still waiting on my front step. It was twenty past eight and school started in ten minutes.

I got my phone out to text Ally yet again but I saw her car park in front of me. She rolled down the window and stuck her small head out.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late. Get in!" She shouted over her motor.

I ran over to her and got in the back because Jess was in the passenger seat. I noticed that Lily wasn't here.

"Where's Lily?"

"Oh. She has her own car actually. I take her sometimes just so we can have fun carpooling." She replied glancing at me in the mirror.

"Thanks for driving me"

"Don't even worry about it. We're late anyway." She laughed as we turned into the school parking lot.

We all rushed out of the car, Ally literally running into school. I laughed and shut my door. As I turned I almost crashed into another body.

"We aren't friends"

Weird. Jess can talk. Who knew. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion.


Ok? What the hell was I supposed to say. Apparently that was good enough because she whipped around and started walking into school.

Eventually I get to my locker, my phone clock tells me I've already missed half of home room. I sighed and grabbed my books for period one. May as well wait here until the bell goes.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

I groaned in response, already knowing what annoying human that voice belonged to. I turned around and saw the one and only Kaiden, standing there with all his hotness.

"Kitten decided to skip homeroom eh?" He stepped closer to me and I stepped back as reflex.

"Do you need anything Kaiden?" I asked. I watched as he took one large step towards me forcing my back to hit the cold metal of my locker. He put his hands on the locker beside my head trapping me in his arms. My arms were wrapped around my books in front of me awkwardly.

He looked into my eyes for what seemed like years. If he doesn't stop I might be the one to kiss him. Whoops?

"I need you."

He stepped back and crossed his arms watching for my reaction with his eyebrows raised. I rolled my eyes. Real original Kaiden. Deciding to play with him a little I stepped close and leaned into him, trying not to laugh at his surprised expression.

"You don't need me Kaiden. You want me. And you can't have me"

I laughed after my statement and walked away with pride. I glanced back to see him smirking at me, still in his place.

-=- -=- -=-

It's period three and I'm currently mentally killing my teacher. He was teaching Chemistry. One of the subjects I'm not too bright in.

"Lily? What's the time?" I asked because I have no energy to get my phone out of my bag. She laughed knowing this fact.

"Bell goes in five"

I mentally fist pumped. Hell fricken yeah. I'm ready to eat my chicken salad roll.

Me and Lily packed up and left as the bell went signalling lunch.

We sat down. Ally, Ashton and Jess were already sitting at our table. I was next to Ashton and Lily. Ashton smiled.

"My favourite human ever could you please get me a juice?"

I gave him a jokingly unimpressed face.

"We met two days ago. How on earth am I your favourite person"

He shrugged.

"Dunno. There's something about you Valentine."

I cringed at his nick name. But got up to get him his juice anyway. He smiled wide knowing he won.

"Thanks" I smiled at the lunch lady for the juice and turned to walk back to my friends.
Before I could walk 5 steps I was pulled in between two of the pillars at the side of the massive room. I looked up. Surprise. Surprise. It's Kaiden Westbrook.

"Your different Cameron" He stated after leaning against the pillar behind him. I blew some hair away from my eyes.

"I've been told." I said as I remembered Ashton's statement not long ago.

After a couple seconds of silence. I decided my delicious roll was waiting and I was hungry. As I turned to leave he grabbed my upper arm pulling me back into the tight space.

"You were right before." He looked at me dead in the eyes and I couldn't help but noticed a scar he had above his left eyebrow. How did I not see this before.

"I do want you. And I'm going to get you." He smirked at me before grabbing the juice out of my hands and leaving with it. Ashton would not be happy about that. 

He had a habit of pulling me close then leaving abruptly. And it was getting annoying.

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Yea so that's all. It's all I can right now. I am so tired. Also I'm like low key mad because on my phone every time I attempt to type 'Kaiden' it auto corrects to 'Maiden'. So yea very annoying.

Ok sorry bye ily.

wc : 900

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