
466 17 1

I'm not very proud of this chapter but I wanted to show the friendship of Cameron and Mason and also wanted to show her personality, she's nice but also sarcastic.

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After binge watching Orange is the New Black and Teen Wolf, I got up to make some dinner.

I decided on a simple salad with chicken. My mum always cooked with me since I was little, she would bake cookies with me when I was sad and sometimes I would help make dinner. So I like to think my cooking skills are pretty good. I sat down at the crystal clear dining table and scrolled through Instagram while eating my salad. I tapped on my profile and smiled when I saw a photo of my best friend mason hugging me out the front of Disney land. I really missed him and his dorky hair. He's been my friend since the 3rd grade.  I scrolled down and saw a photo I posted of my parents when they were alive, they were smiling hugging me in between them, we all had ice cream and dad had just rubbed some on my nose. I was only 10 in the photo. I miss them so much. Tears started streaming down my face. I dialled masons number, I needed to calm down.

"Hey" His cheerful voice came through the phone. When I tried to reply nothing came out but a pathetic sob. I was angry, I hate being weak.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" His voice was concerned and scared.

"Mason. I miss them. I miss you"

"I know, I know you do. I'm right here, tell me what you did today?"

I smile at his tactics to help me ease my mind. He knows me too well.

We talked for the rest of the night until my tears were gone and nothing was left but stained cheeks.

-=- -=- -=-

I woke up on the couch covered in blankets. I turned on my phone, the brightness hurting my eyes. I had a new message.  

Mason: morning hope you slept well xx

I smiled and turned my phone off and walked up to my room. I looked into the mirror. Man was I a mess. I walked into the bathroom and had a hot shower. After getting out I threw on a flannel shirt and leggings with boots. (pic of outfit at top) I put some concealer under my eyes and some mascara on my lashes and let my long brown hair air dry. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

I walked down the dirty pathway to the bus top where I read that the next bus comes in 10 minutes. I sat down on the curb and played with the ends of my hair. Out of nowhere I hear a unfamiliar male voice.

"Hi." I turn around and stand up. He smiles at me and I take notice of his dimples on cheeks. Cute. His wild blonde hair has been held back by a black and white bandana. 

"Hi, I'm Cameron"

"Ashton" I extend my hand for him to shake and he does so.

"You new around here?" He asks.

"Yea moved in a couple days ago. I'm guessing this is a tight town?"

He chuckles at me and looks down at his toes then back at me. 

"Everyone knows everyone I guess." I look down the busy street and see the bus.

"Well now you know me" I say quickly before stepping onto the bus. 

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I take the bus to the local supermarket, which wasn't too hard to find after asking the bus driver where it was. 

I got the basic essentials for me to survive the week. I had an awful lot of money from my parents and selling their belongings. But I wasn't stupid, I put most of it into savings and I plan on getting a job after settling into town. 

With 5 grocery bags in my hands, I climbed back into the bus. I glanced up, unlike before the bus was full of people. Struggling with my bags I took a free seat near the front of the bus.

"Oh hey, Cameron right?"

I looked up and saw a certain blonde headed guy sitting beside me. I smiled.

"Yup, Ashton right?" He smiled at me and I stared at his dimples again, man they are cute.

"So your British? That's pretty cool, whats Britain like?" 

"Where I lived, it was cold. Very different to down here in Australia."

"I hate the cold. What's even good about being cold?" I frowned at him, completely disagreeing. 

"Me and you are very different." I say knowingly. 

"I only know one other person who actually likes the cold." 

"Oh yea? I bet they're amazing." I say to him.

The bus stopped and we both made our way off the packed vehicle onto the side path.

"I can I have your number?" He blurted out. 

"I mean, not like in a romantic way. So we can hang out sometime." He spoke loud. I chuckled at him before we exchanged numbers.

"I'll see you around, don't forget to text me sometime." I yelled to him before walking away down to my house.

"See you soon cam!" I heard him yell. I smiled at his nick name, thats what dad called me.

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lol k bye :))

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