7• I Have You Here With Me

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"Heard of it but never tried it." I said.

"Alright I'll guide you." He said positively.


"You sure you ready. I have this amethyst to protect us from bad when we walk the astral planes."


What is he talking about?

My phone started ringing and it was my dad.

Me: Hi dad.
Dad: Hey, We got any sugar in the house?
Me: *sigh* yes we do. Why?
Dad: I was just asking. Can I do that?
Me: mhm.
Dad: Well look everywhere to see if we need anything. Toilet paper, mouthwash all dat. I'll be home soon.
Me: Okkkk bye!

"Steez I gotta go." I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked to the door.

"Why? We didn't even get to do anything." He looked hurt.

"I know, I know but I have stuff it do." I said quickly. "I'll see you tomorrow k? Bye!"


I rushed out of his place and ran home. It's gonna take a while but it's better than being questioned by your dad.

• 5:10 p.m •

Damn. He got home before I did.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I was out.

"I understand that. Out where?" He looked tired and upset.

"At the chill spot." I said awkwardly.

"Out where Stephanie?" He asked sternly.

"Studying with one of my friends."

"Where are your books then?"

"My friend already had a book and there was no point in having two so I left empty handed." I stretched.

"It took you fifteen minutes to get here. I told you to look around and see if we needed anything. It takes me fifteen minutes to get here with no traffic." He got up.

"I'm sorry dad." I looked down.

He hugged me. "It's alright, I'm not mad at you. Just tell me when you go out next time ok? We only needed paper towels. I'll get them tomorrow."


"I love you Stephanie." He kissed my cheek.

"Love you too dad." I pulled away from the hug and sat on the couch.

"You just gonna sit in my spot like that?" He asked.

"Mhm." I took a stick of gum from his pack on the coffee table.

"And take my gum?!"

I started chewing loudly. "Yep."

He tickled me making me jump out of his seat.

"Dad stop! I'm not eight anymore!" I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

"You're still ticklish and Imma take advantage of that. Get up and let me see your homework."

"Noooooo. We don't have any." I lied again.


"Because it's the beginning of the year. We're just doing lame beginner stuff."

"The hell? Mmm, ok. Go read a book then."

I made a stank face. "No! Who reads books anymore unless it's on wattpad?!"

"I don't know what a wattpad is but you better get a book out of my room and start reading."

"Your books are boring. I'm getting my own." I got up.

"Good." He turned on the TV and started watching CNN.

Once I got to my room I took my phone out of my pocket, put it on the charger and saw that Steez texted me.

Steezy : Yo, you straight? What happened?
Me: I'm good 😌 just had something important to do. I'll see you tomorrowwwww 💜😚
Steezy : Ok 😊💚👀

I left my phone and my dad started yelling.

"FUCK DONALD TRUMP! Daz my song right dere Steffy! Come down here and sing with me."

I rolled my eyes and went downstairs with a book in hand. "Dad please."

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