19• I'll Be So Cruel For You

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• September 17, Monday •

• 12:18 p.m •

I rolled off of Steez's bed and joined him in the living room, He was up watching cartoons.

"Good morning Stephanie." He smiled and waved.

I waved back and trudged to the couch he was sitting on. He put his arm around me and started talking.

"What do you want to do today?"

I shrugged my shoulders and yawned.

"Its alright. We'll figure it out in a little bit. Go to the bathroom and get ready. My mom already put the stuff you need in there. Your clothes will be on your bed once you get out of the shower."

"My bed?" I questioned.

"Yup!" He chirped.

"Your bed, Where did you sleep last night?"

"Righhhhht here!" He patted the couch.

I frowned.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine, Plus this couch is comfortable as fuck so go ahead and do your thing. I'll be right here waiting on you."

"I told my mom we ran away..." Steez whispered as we walked Classon avenue.

"Oh...what did she say?" Wind blew and the air was crisp.

"She said we have to move to our own place. She can get in a shit ton of trouble for harboring a runaway."

"Shit...you right. What're we going to do?"

"Move out! What do you mean?" He said excitedly.

I scratched my head and nodded. "Where though?"

"Where do you wanna go? Anywhere, you name it. You wanna go to L.A then we can go. It's all up to you baby girl."

"I don't think New York is a great idea. Too many people."

"Exactly. Here, you only see a person on the street once. Look, we're walking past that man on the street. We'll probably never see him again."

"We need to get out of New York Steezy. It's not a good idea staying here. Especially if my Dad and or brother decides to turn to the cops."

He gave in. "Alright. You have anywhere in mind?"


He laughed but stopped immediately once he saw how serious my face was. He cleared his throat. "Pennsylvania..."

"Yeah! It's not too far from here so if you miss your mom or something you can visit her with no problem!"

"Ok, if that's what you want Stephanie."

"I'm sorry if I'm stressing you out." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"No! Not at all. I'm glad I'm here with you." He kissed me and I kissed back. "I've never met anyone like you. Girls usually don't give me a chance but you did. I don't have to spend my days alone anymore. I have something-someone to live for."

I looked into his eyes and hugged him. He hugged back awkwardly and he smiled. A real one, it wasn't a nervous smile or fake one. Steez is really smiling and actually happy.

"I'll always be here for you." I said.

He let go of me and we continued walking down the street. We were both smiling like idiots. He held my hand, they're rough and sweaty. He held my hand tightly and walked closer to me.

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