43• I Can't Give You Tomorrow, But I Can Give You Tonight

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• 9:04 p.m •

A/n: Merry Christmas! Here's a long chapter just cuz I love you guys 💜

   I've been in the closet for a while. I heard Prince talking to Kirk about Steez. What he said broke my heart and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Kirk, we either kill the girl or Steez! I can't have my name outside of Philly!"

"I know Steez! He's doing more than you. He's out here trapping and doing shit. You stole his girl. That nigga knows everything! You did this!"

"Don't disrespect me Kirk! I took yo ass in!"

"And you can take me out! You think everyone that's associated with you needs you. We don't! And that's the truth! Stop creating a world and live in the real one!" Kirk shot back. "Nigga you ain't nobody. You just a lil bitch. You can't handle what's real!"

"I can't?!" Prince asked.

"You can't. I was by your side when Cookie cheated on yo sorry ass! You said we were brothers and I believed that shit! You just use everybody! I'm done!"

I heard a piece of metal scrape the counter. "Don't say her name."

"Go ahead. Shoot me. Be the real Nigga you claim to be."

I heard four shots and screamed. I covered my ears and tried to ignore it. I heard someone race up the stairs and unlocked the door. The lights in the hallway blinded me and I couldn't see who it was.

"Come on! Let's go!" Kirk yelled at me.

He picked me up and my legs were weak from sitting down for too long. We raced down stairs and I saw Prince's body on the floor, blood was spilling out of his head. I couldn't stop starring at him.

Kirk grabbed my hand. "Come on girl!!! Take this bag. It's filled with everything you need!"

I took the bag and put it on my back. "You're coming with me!"

"Nah! You know how to drive right?"

I nodded my head.

"Drive to Brooklyn! Give Steez this note. I'll see you soon okay. I gotta do something with this body. And take this money for the Easy Pass. DO NOT! Get out of the car for anything! If you need gas go to New Jersey. They will fill it up for you. It's dark outside, be very careful and stay away from neighborhoods."

I took the note and money and my phone. He hugged me and wiped my tears. "Bump that! Just leave him. Let's go!" I croaked.

He shoved the car keys in my hand. "Stephanie please!!! I promise you'll see me tomorrow or the day after. I love you okay! Look, I'll call you. Just go now! Use the GPS on your phone! It's fully charged so it should last you till get to Brooklyn."

I hugged him again and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too Kirk. Be safe, bye!"

I ran out the door and started the car. I put the Swiss bag in the passenger seat and pulled out of the drive way. I wiped my tears away and drove to the motel to get our stuff.
I grabbed our bags and everything we brought. Once I got back in the car I typed the address Kirk gave me into Google Maps and was on my way. Two hours, it's just two hours. My phone went off and it was Steez texting me.

Steez: Steffy! Where is Kirk? Is he okay?
Me: Kirk is still here. He's fine. I'll explain later.
Steez: Is he with you?
Me: No. He's at the house. I can not text you what happened.
Steez: Shit. Okay. Where are you? What are you doing?
Me: I'm omw to Brooklyn.
Steez: Really?!
Steez: Wait!
Me: Yes.
Steez: No! Go get Kirk.
Me: I tried to get him but he didn't come with me.
Steez: Why?!
Me: Like I said, I can't text you what happened. I'll see you soon. I love you.
Steez: Love you too. Be careful babygirl 💜

   I went back to the GPS. Before I knew it I was crossing a bridge to New Jersey. It's already been an hour. I don't need gas but I decide to get some so I don't have to worry about it later on. I pulled up to a Exxon Gas Station and a Caucasian guy with uniform on came to my side. I rolled it down just a little bit.

"Hey, Gas?" He asked.

I nodded my head and gave him some money. He went to fill my tank.

"Ya know. A pretty, petite girl like yourself shouldn't be out here this late.  It's not safe. Especially 'round here. You hungry?"

I shook my head.

"You sure? You can come inside and get some snacks or something. You don't have to pay."

"No thank you." I said.

After he was done. He came back to my window. He smirked "I'll pay you 200 if you do me a favor."

"I'm not a prostitute. I don't want your money and I'm not doing any favors."

"Never said you were. Look, I have a condom on me. It'll be safe. If you want, I'll eat you-"

I ran over his foot and sped off. I shook what just happened off and got back on the highway. In an hour I was welcomed by fire escapes and knew where I was.

• 11:46 p.m •

"The Bronx...?" I said to myself. This isn't it. How did I end up in Fordham Heights? No problem, I'll just type the address in again. I clicked the home button and it didn't work. I held the power button down and my phone died.

I unzipped my bag and found a portable charger and a purple USB cord. I plugged them in and let my phone charge. I found a bag of chips in there and ate. Five minutes later it came on and Steez sent a new address. I put it in and was on my way. I was listening to Hot 97 and looked around. Many people were awake and doing whatever.

I pulled up to some brownstones and got out the car with my bags and all of my belongings. I knocked on the door and out came a sleepy Steez in a hoodie and joggers.

"Hm?" He rubbed his eyes.

I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Yo who is this?!"

I giggled. "It's me! Stephanie!!!"

He squinted. "OH! HEY!!"

He kissed me and let me in.

I put the bags down on the floor except for the one Kirk gave me.

"Here. Kirk wanted me to give you this note."

He took it and opened it. I looked through the bag and gasped. I pulled out stacks of cash. "LOOK!!"

Steez grabbed a stack. "Who gave you this bag?"

"Kirk! He said it's everything I need! Steezy this is 10k!!!"

"I see!!! Let me read this note. Hush." He covered my mouth. "Ok he's basically just letting me know about Prince. Now you can tell me what happened? From your point of view?"

I nodded my head and told him.

"Damn. He didn't deserve to die." Steez frowned after I shared what happened.

I wrinkled my nose and pushed him away.

"Don't look at me like that. No one deserves to die. Kirk didn't have to do that and you should not be happy about his death."

I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Fix your face. You hungry? Thirsty? Drink some water."

"No thanks. Sounding like somebody mama."

He handed me a bottle of deer park.

A/n: Deer Park and Deer Park only 🙌🏾😌

"Thanks." I said. "What have you been up to?"

"Just been selling." He smiled. "This is our place now. You like it?"

"I love it. It looks amazing."

"I'm glad you like it. I see you brought my stuff with you. I appreciate it, saved me a trip."

"No problem."

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