55• Rigor Mortis

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• 1:36 p.m •

"STEPH-WHAT THE FUCK?! OH MY GOD!!!" Steez just walked into the house and I ran down the stairs. He rubbed his face and put his hands on his head.

"I didn't mean to!" I fell on the floor beside Ray's body, sitting in the pool of blood and cried. "I-I killed my best friend!!!"

"Get up! We gotta get his body out of here! There's shit crawling on him.

Steez grabbed his arms.

"Grab his legs and take him to the back."

I was crying hysterically. "I can't do it!!!"

"Stephanie! I swear to God, on my momma if you don't pick him up you're gonna be the next one in the backyard. Now grab his legs!"

I touched his ankles and kept crying. His skin was cold.

"Alright now go to the back door and open it." We sat his body down so I could open the door and took him to the backyard.

Steez casually dropped his body and grabbed wood and fuel.

"Stack this wood. Imma be back." He went to the kitchen and I did what he told me to do.

"I'm so sorry Ray!!" I said. I put my hair up with a hair tie and stacked the wood while staring at Ray's body.

Steez came back with a lighter. He dumped the fuel on the wood and his body, lit up the wood and tossed his body in the fire. He sat down on the grass and watched him burn.


I looked at him like he was crazy. "YOU'RE JUST WATCHING!" I lowered my voice and whispered. "You're just watching him burn like it's okay! What the fuck Jamal?!"

"Steph, we have to do these things for like what...the next six to eight months? This shit don't faze me no more. I hate killing but we have to do what we have to do. You're the one that killed him. This wasn't my idea. You did this. You killed your best friend and now you're just gonna have to live with that." He shrugged.

I covered my face and cried on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

"It's okay. We're gonna get through this." He kissed my cheek and watched the fire.

I cleaned my face. "So what's next?"

"Go pack. Where do you want to go? L.A, Seattle or Toronto? We can't stay here for too long."

"L.A." I croaked.

"You sure?"

I nodded my head and buried my face I his neck. "I just wanna sleep."

"You'll sleep on the plane. Go ahead and get your stuff together. We're leaving tonight. I don't think we can come back here."

"You think. Can you come upstairs with me?"

He got up and followed me to the stairs. Before he went up he stopped.

"Go ahead. I gotta clean this blood up."

I put my stuff together and brought them downstairs and put my two backpacks on the couch. The house smelled like cleaning supplies and metal.

"Here. Take my phone and book a flight. You know how to do that right?"

I shook my head and took his phone.

"I'll show you after I'm done. Go get the knife you used and give it to me. Wipe everything down with a cloth and change your clothes. Take mine too and burn them. We gotta get out of here asap."

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