Larry's Uncle Knows All Like Daisy

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( LOL, I didn't even plan to bring this character in, it just suddenly came to my mind right now, but the uncle in this is just, I guess, an OC)

Daisy sighed out of frustration while saying, "do still need my help?" the other three just glared, "OK, OK I was just joking, he he, but how do we know which TV has the fourth wall in it, cause there's like a LOT of TV's to choose from." Penn replied, "At least it looks like we have a lot of time left because Rippen's looking like he's going nowhere." Sashi said, "Well we're not doing any better."Boone stated, "This mission is so hard! We're not even fighting any monsters or anything!" Daisy giggled while saying, "Oh yeah, it was funny with the mission where you sang the whole time, Penn was a Princess ha ha." Penn replied, "I miss my long flowing orange hair." All of them started laughing hysterically.

Larry stated, "You know Rippen, one of my uncle's lives in this dimension." Ripper was about to say something like ,'I don't care! or 'shut up!' but instead is eyes glinted while saying, 'Wait...... Larry........ one of your relatives....... from our universe........ lives in THIS DIMENSION?!" Larry happily nodded and said, "uh huh, apparently he wanted to live somewhere which was normal or something." Rippen quickly asked, "Where does he live?" Larry replied, "He lives just over there," pointing over to a tall mansion just across the road. Rippen stated, "Larry! Let's go pay your Uncle a visit." "Yay!"

Rippen knocked on the door waiting for a reply but no answer. Larry said, "Let me handle it, he started doing a weird dance while saying, "It is I Larry!" Suddenly the door opened revealing a small man which looked a lot, and I mean A LOT like Larry. (hehe I'm terrible at describing people's appearances) The man looked at Larry with wide eyes and said, "Larry! How are you? What has brought you to this dimension?" Rippen just weirdly looked at them while the two were reuniting and loudly cleared his throat. Larry replied, "Oh sorry, Rippen. Well Uncle Lenny, we have a mission to break the fourth wall of this dimension, but we've been going nowhere. And since you've been living here for a long time, we thought you could help." Uncle Lenny's eyes went wide as he ushered them in.

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