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Daisy opened her eyes and adjusted to the lighting, she saw her friends on the floor. What she saw next startled her. She remembered leaving the channel on, leaving it on the show Penn Zero: Part-time Hero. She saw duplicates of them on the other side. She slowly walked towards them, but then face-planted into something in thin air. She used her hands to feel this barrier, it was invisible, "Is this the fourth wall?" She muttered to herself. She noticed that the others were waking up, "Guys.... I think I found the wall...." They saw the duplicates of them on the other side too. Penn asked, "Is that.... us? From that time we were singing." Daisy nodded her head but gestured for them to come closer. As they did they also hit the invisible barrier, "I think we found the fourth wall."

Rippen had it, they've been to every inch of this town, except for this one house. If this wasn't it, he was sure NOT going to be happy. Larry knocked on the door and said "Yoohoo! Anyone there?" No answer. Larry was about to leave but Rippen opened the door. They walked in and Rippen's eyes widened at the machine they saw. Larry remarked, "Cool! I see Penn and the others bought the machine." Rippen asked, "What machine?" "The machine which let's you travel into the TV." Rippen shouted, "You knew about this all along!!??" "Yeah it was in that book that girl stole, we could've bought it from the shops actually..." Rippen was fuming but instead of shouting at his terrible minion he took a closer look at that machine, then he saw the remote. Rippen asked, "Which button do I press." Larry started, "Press red..." Then Rippen pressed it and the machine was about to self destruct, ...if you want it to self- destruct, press green for us to travel into the TV." Rippen hurriedly pressed the green button and they disappeared too.

Boone asked, "So what are we supposed to save it from?" Sashi answered, "Rippen you doofus, but ti seems they haven't found it yet." Penn confidently said, 'Looks like we win again." "Don't speak too quickly." They all faced their heads in the direction where the voice came from. "RIPPEN!" Larry said, "And Larry!" "Yes Penn Zero, I have finally found the wall, and now... for this, Larry, hammer!" Larry handed him a hammer which came out of nowhere. Suddenly Rippen bashed the invisible wall, causing a visible hole. "And this!" With that he bashed it again." Daisy said, "Guys.... you better do something quick or..." Suddenly the Penn, Sashi and Boone from the other side of the wall ran through the wall, and then disappeared, "or they'll come into my world..."

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