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As I took a shaky breath, peering over the edge of the cliff I was currently standing on, a tear found itself slipping down my cheek. Waves crashed against the rocks below, taunting me. Just one more step... I thought, just one more step. I let my right foot dangle over the side, nothing underneath feeling weird. Feeling free. I shut my eyes tight and was just about to fall, when I was forcefully pulled away from the ledge.


I fell to the ground, my eyes still squeezed together, tears cascading down my already tear stained cheeks. I let out tiny sobs as I knelt on the ground . "Fuck, did we hurt her?", a male voice asked. He sounds familiar. "I don't know... what the fuck was she doing anyway?", a second said. So does he.

I was about to jump to my death, I thought angrily. I got up and angrily wiped at my face, most likely making my cheeks red. I instantly recognised them, the moonlight being so bright. Kayden, Hunter and Blaine. All well-known, relatively new, guys at my school.

"You idiots! Why did you do that?!", I shouted angrily. They stared at me in disbelief, "What?! But we just saved you!", Hunter exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "But the thing is", I told them, "I didn't want saving".

"Three months", Kayden said, "Give us three months to change your mind".



A/N- Hey guys :) This new book I'm writing is a serious one. Suicide is a very serious matter. Trust me, I know. Aspen is NOT looking for attention, just letting you know now. I would NEVER write about an attention seeker because, well, I wouldn't. If any of you are suicidal, I suggest you not read this because it's going to have some very triggering things and I would hate it if I accidentally triggered anyone. Because depression, self harm and suicide, along with other things, are very strong points in this book. At the moment, I'm not too sure how the ending is going to go but I'll try to make it good. Don't worry, I will finish this book. This is beginning to be a very long A/N so I'll finish it in a sec. I just want you all to know that I am here for you if you ever need it. I'm not a good talker, I'm kinda awkward and can't always keep a good convo or give the best advice but I promise to listen and do my best. I know from experience, considering what I'm going through at the moment,- story for another time- that talking about these things can be very helpful. I love ALL of you gorgeous and handsome people (for all the guys out there who may read this...😊)

Lots of love, sweet and sour skittles

- Catherine

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