5| Force Fields

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Force Fields: the ability to control a shield of great amount of concentrated force.

In the story Sage has dark blue-grey eyes like shown in the pic on the cast list, unlike this one

There's some German mentioned in this chapter so please correct me if I'm wrong :)))


S.E. // The 7th Supreme

   Harry's words kept echoing throughout my head as the hours passed by. Constant reminders of the way his hot breath felt against my skin kept flooding my brain as I tried to teach my class of teenage witches about 6 Man. Here in Miss Castavet's School, it was essential we teach the girls about the dangers of The Saviors and the infamous 6 Man. The only reason witches out there were so vulnerable was because they were unaware of the threat of The Saviors. So it was important to spread the word and make everyone aware.

   "We still don't have confirmation on what he looks like?" Mandy, a sixteen-year old girl questioned me as I snapped out of my thoughts. The girls were done with the work I had assigned them and now were speaking up about 6 Man, asking the most random questions.

   "No, Mandy," I sighed, taking a seat and picking apart my bun, allowing my curls to run free.

   "But there are rumors! I've heard he's hot," Rosita, a Hispanic teen responded from the back, smirking as she twirled a dark lock around her finger. A fit of giggles erupted from the rest of the class as everyone else began to speak up.

   "I've heard he has blonde hair!"

   "No you puta his hair's black!"

   "Apparently he's got gorgeous eyes, blue or something."

   "His accent's hot, I've heard it's British."

   "No it's Irish!"

   "I've heard he's good in bed," one of the girls snickered before I snapped.

   "Okay that's enough!" I said brusquely, standing up to my feet and glaring at the girls. The lights immediately flickered due to my anger, the giggles and comments dying down immediately. "This is a seriously dangerous man you girls are talking about. Nobody cares if he's got gorgeous hair and a big dick, he's our enemy and he's out for us. Out for me. He killed your kin, don't forget that-"

   "Sage," Rowena breathed, another childhood best friend of mind. She stood by the open doorway, giving me an absurd look. "Don't scare them," she scolded me lightly, walking in and speaking to me. "You look like you're having a bad day, want me to take over?"

   "Yes please," I sighed, running my nude painted nails through my hair before I gathered my things and began to leave. "Thanks Row, I'm sorry, girls. I didn't mean to snap, today's just been...weird," and with that I exited the classroom, Nymeria following close behind me.

  The mention of 6 Man had me growing anxious again. Even though there hasn't been any sign of him lately, I was utterly paranoid. He could be right under my nose, or on the other side of the planet. It drove me crazy not knowing where he was. Since the class I was previously teaching before Rowena came in was the last one of the day, I decided to head home.

  My heels clanked against the stone pavement as I walked home, mind still running wild with anxious thoughts of 6 Man. I needed a distraction. But I didn't know where to find one. Suddenly, it occurred to me. The conversation that I had today with Harry quickly resurfaced in my head again as I stopped in my tracks. If you change your mind, you know where I am.

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