16| Cloning*

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Cloning: the ability to duplicate one's self.

Body goals right there 😫😫😫

Enjoy xx



S.E // The 7th Supreme

My heart hurt for Harry. I felt utterly sympathetic for what he went through with this sick bitch. Part of me wanted to hurt her for breaking Harry's heart like that and sleeping with another man behind his back. It was utterly disgusting and it seriously irked me how someone could do such a thing. As I sat here, listening to Harry's backstory, the pained look on his face tugged on my heartstrings.

"I realized then I was never really in love with her, only infatuated with her. It was never real love," he mumbled sadly, playing with the rings on his fingers.

I sighed lightly, reaching over to take his hand into my lap, clasping it and giving it a comforting squeeze. His head turned to look at me, vulnerable fern eyes meeting my concerned stormy ones. My other hand rose to cup his cheek gently, running my thumb over his cheekbone as I sighed again.

"I'm sorry Harry, you don't deserve what happened," I whispered softly, watching his eyes flutter shut at my warm touch while he sighed.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," he mumbled quietly, averting his gaze to our linked hands on my lap.

"Okay," I nodded, letting go of his paint-stained hand.

He moved away, walking over to his stool that was situated before his painting before he picked his brush up and started working again. I stood up from my seated position, my mind busy with thoughts as I strolled around his room, admiring his art pieces. I thought of the night he encouraged me to stop overthinking about the risks of falling in love.

After hearing what had happened with Valentina, I found it ironic how I was the one worried about falling in love, when he should been the one in my place after his previous experiences with relationships. I felt almost pathetic for being worried about falling for him; my reasons for my hesitance weren't even good enough. It was kind of brave of him for wanting to try the whole relationship thing again, which pretty much gave me the confidence to go ahead with it myself.

I wasn't sure what we were exactly, but it was something. Before that 'hang-out', we definitely had some sort of physical connection, which could only be fulfilled with sex. But after spending more time with him, actually talking and getting to know him better; I enjoyed his company, especially when he came over to check up on me and stayed the night. It was something I wanted over and over again: to always be in his presence.

His laugh and smile was infectious. He was an interesting person to talk to, right from his views on certain controversial topics, down to why he thinks Gouda cheese is better than cheddar cheese. Not to mention the way he makes me feel whenever he's around. I always got this weird tingly feeling whenever I felt his gaze on me, or whenever I was near him. One thing I did know was that I was going to give whatever we had a shot, and see if it really turns out to be something beautiful and worth it, despite the risks I will be taking. I knew for sure I wouldn't do anything to hurt Harry the way that vixen hurt him.

The only problem was could I trust him? I knew he wouldn't do something as horrible as that woman did, but there are still many things he could do wrong that could potentially ruin our relationship. I just had to hope that he wouldn't do anything bad.

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