11| Descensum

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Descensum: the power to project one's soul into the nether worlds of the afterlife. It is one of the Seven Wonders. Also known as Vitalum Vitalis.

Updated cuz the new AHS season premiered yesterday night. MY MIND IS A MESS AFTER THAT EP HONESTLY!

Enjoy xx



S.E. // The 7th Supreme

  I awoke to the warmth of Harry's body pressed against mine, heating my own up as we lay in bed. The soft morning light trickled through the spaces left between the heavy curtains that covered his large windows. As I rouse from my heavy slumber, I first became aware of the position Harry and I was in, a soft smile curling onto my lips.

  His face was tucked into the crook of my neck, arms firmly wound around my naked torso as his chest was pressed against my back. His warm breath tickled the skin of my neck, soft quiet snores leaving his parted lips as he slept peacefully. I decided to lie there for a few minutes, thinking about last night's events as I tried not to disturb him from his slumber.

  A flush crept onto my cheeks as I thought about the intimate things we did last night, before I began to think about that meaningful kiss I shared with him by the tree in the park. As cliché as it sounded, I had never experienced anything like that before. I had my fair share of one-night stands, and just one boyfriend whom I wasn't really serious about at that time. But during all that, I had never kissed any of them with a different meaning other than lust and desire.

  I thought back to the kiss we shared by the tree, how sensual it was and how it made my heart flutter like in those silly romantic movies. I remembered how he stared at me after that kiss, how his glimmering green eyes were so alert with a hundred different emotions running through it. But one I could decipher was hope; hope that I felt what he felt when we shared that kiss.

  But I soon destroyed that hope when I kissed him again, forcing feelings of just lust and desire through the kiss for him to get the message. There wasn't supposed to be anything between us, and it didn't feel like it at the start. But somehow he was captivating me in a strange way I couldn't seem to escape. As he tightened his grip around my midriff, snapping me back to reality I swallowed thickly. I never slept over, even if I was extremely tired or whatever. It just wasn't something I did, but here I was, lying in his strong arms holding me against his chest.

  A million questions ran through my head as I contemplated on whether to stop seeing him like this. What we did was spontaneous and reckless and I loved it, but maybe this was getting a bit too far. Calm down Sage, my conscience huffed at me. I furrowed my brows, frowning at myself for overthinking all of this and analyzing too deeply. Maybe I was just overreacting. It was just a kiss, nothing more, I made my actions clear anyways, so I should just carry on.

   "You're awake," A deep raspy voice spoke into my ear, the sound of it making my stomach coil unnaturally as I sighed through my nose.

   "So are you," I murmured, as I felt him leave a small kiss on my bare shoulder.

   "You slept over," he smirked, probably reminding me about how I didn't stay the night the last time.

   "You wore me out," I defended myself with a laugh, making him scoff and pinch my ass. "I'm kidding!" I yelped, slapping his hand away from under the sheets before I turned my body around in his grip. "You earned it."

   "Hmm guess I should let you be on top more often," he grinned a little. "Staying for breakfast?" he questioned with an arch of a brow.

   "Aren't your friends here?" I asked hesitantly. In all honesty, if I stayed for breakfast then that was probably not helping my case with keeping things strictly physical. "I mean- not that I mind but-"

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