43| Strangulation

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Strangulation: the energy-based power that allows the user to cause the victim suffocation.

I don't think I've ever mentioned this but Atticus is blonde Evan Peters okay? Not the brunette one lmao. brb crying cuz he looks so sad in that gif my poor bubs :(

Also remember what I said about sympathizing for Sage!!! No petty comments about her saying shit about Harry lying to her about loving her and etc. Imma fight for my girl if so.

Pls read the A/N also ty :))

Enjoy xx



S.E. // The 7th Supreme

The heartbreak was just like grief, heart wrenching and grueling, washing over like tidal waves, making it hard to suck in a breath every time it attacks. What was once whole is shattered and where once was peace is now emptiness. What was worse than the heartbreak was the feeling of betrayal. It was the worst kind of hurt because the man I loved turned out to be the man I feared the most. It reminded me of a quote I stumbled upon on the Internet a while ago. Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun. We share our vulnerabilities more readily than trading cards, interlocking our hearts as much as our fingers. Nothing hurt more than feeling my heart and self strengthen by Harry, only to be weakened and broken by the same man himself.

"No," I murmured to myself with a shake of my head. "I can't be weak, not now," I told myself firmly, even though my lower lip quivered as my eyes watered a bit.

I looked up from the sink to the mirror, sighing at my appearance. My eyes were bloodshot from the excessive crying, the blue-grey color of them now dreary and washed out, highlighting how empty and lifeless I felt on the inside. My complexion was ashen, my dark skin looking duller than usual, a contrast to how my skin glowed the night before I found out where Harry and I made love. My eyes immediately fluttered shut, scrunching when I had that thought, sniffling when I thought about how that was an act too. He didn't really love me. He only wanted to kill me.

It had been a week since the day I found out about Harry's true identity. Ever since then my phone had been blowing up with calls and text messages from Harry himself. But just the sight of his name popping up on the screen made me crush the device completely with my mind, making Atticus go out and buy a new one right after. The force field that had formed when I let go of my emotions was still intact since that day. It served as protection from The Saviors as now that I knew Harry was 6 Man, he and The Saviors won't rest until I was dead. What worried me was that Harry was able to come through the force field, due to his immunity. But he didn't. He stayed away like I told him to do so, which I found strange.

I exited the bathroom after a little while, trudging over to my bed and crawling under the covers, sniffling while I did so. I was avoiding Frida and Esmeralda. I knew the first thing they were going to say was 'I told you so'. Esmeralda had warned me about Harry being a Savior and so did Frida, and since they were both bitter they wouldn't show me any pity nor sympathy. Instead they would just mock me and scold me for being so stupid and blind, for allowing Harry into my life without doing proper check ups on him.

"Stupid," I muttered to myself bitterly. "So fucking stupid."

"Stop saying that."

I didn't bother to look over my shoulder, recognizing the voice as Atticus'. He had been my best supporter as of this moment. Rowena too was heartbroken, just like I was, over Maximus being a Savior and the brother of 6 Man. I didn't get to see her the entire week because she was holed up in one of the rooms in the Buckner Mansion since it was too dangerous to stay anywhere outside of the force field, just like me. I made a mental note to go see her, it would be best of we talked since she understood my pain the best. Atticus had to alternate between Rowena and I when it came to comforting us and spending time with us. Unlike Rowena, I had Aunt Sephy who had been of great support to me, so Atticus spent more time with Rowena since she was alone.

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