54| Energy Sparks

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Energy Sparks: the ability to shoot short beams of red energy sparks.


Well technically today since it's like midnight here lmao.

CHAPTER IS UNEDITED (even when it's edited it's unedited like srsly)

Enjoy xx



S.E. // The 7th Supreme

3 years later

  My fingers wrapped around the neck of the glass that held my toxic drink in it. My gray eyes focusing on my fingers that fiddled with each other while a grimace etched onto my face, hearing Atticus yapping loudly and drunkenly next to me. As I took a sip of my drink, I found myself reminiscing. Thinking about the night I came to this exact bar with Rowena and Atticus, but ended up running away and hooking up with a certain curly-haired man with the most mesmerizing green eyes.

  My lips pressed together tightly as I felt the familiar sadness spread in my heart, only turning into something bittersweet when I remembered the good memories we shared. It had been 3 years since Harry had left. 3 years since I've spoken to him. I remembered the day he left like it was just yesterday, the endless crying after he drove off away from me for good. It was a painful couple of months after that, me being hormonal from the pregnancy and everything. I found myself thinking of all the things I didn't get the chance to say, as well as the arguments I could've presented when Esmeralda was constantly shooting down everything I said.

  I was the one who killed Colton, therefore the Saviors should be coming for me anyways, yet Frida accused Harry of doing it and at that time I didn't notice it. Harry could've stayed to protect me in that sense, instead of saying that he could lure his enemies away from me. I knew for a fact his enemies could find me if they wanted to, it wasn't hard. But Harry and Esmeralda were right in the sense that I would be better protected by the coven. Over the years, the witches in New Orleans have gotten much more powerful, therefore they were much more powerful than the Saviors and any other witch hunters. Plus, Esmeralda and the coven were really keen on making Harry suffer if he didn't leave.

   "Sage! Come dance with me!" Atticus suddenly screeched into my ear, making me jump.

  I turned to look at him with a glare, but he simply smiled cheekily at me, his big grin and cute dimples making me soften. He then started dancing along to the song going on, shaking his hips and arms while singing along. The sight was amusing and made me rumble with laughter, especially when he bumped into a stranger who glared at him in irritation. He apologized quickly, then immediately flipping the guy off as soon as the man turned around.

 He apologized quickly, then immediately flipping the guy off as soon as the man turned around

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