41| Crushing*

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Crushing: the power to surround an object or power with a force that ultimately squashes it.

double-updated with a long-ass smutty chapter cuz 200K yo!! Thank you babes

I don't think people understood what happened at the end of the previous chapter. Sage saw a prophecy in chapter 17, which showed a bunch of images including one that was a baby in a cot, if you guys remember. so in the previous chapter, she saw that part come to life. it was a baby in a cot, so that part of the prophecy is already fulfilled. so whatever you guys said about her getting pregnant, re-evaluate that.

also if you guys said that as a reason for me throwing smut chapters at you; rethink that. most of you were right about the other reasons tho lmao, i don't think i have enough chapters for dedications but i'll dedicate to those who commented the correct reasons first and the ones who comment frequently.

loved writing this chapter 😫❤

enjoy xx



S.E // The 7th Supreme

A few days later


  Harry's brows sloped down in confusion as soon as he opened his bedroom door. I simply walked in, wrapping my arms around his bare torso and hugging him tight. His arms quickly came around to hold me to him, kicking the door shut with his foot behind me as he hugged me back firmly. I let out a heavy sigh against his bare skin, loving the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around my body. They always made me feel so safe and loved.    

   "What's wrong, baby girl?" he asked me in his soft raspy voice, warm hand rubbing down the expanse of my back in a soothing manner.   

   "Just stressed is all," I told him quietly.

   "I just needed to see you," I told him, gazing up at him.    

   "You should've called me, I would've been at your place in a heartbeat."   

   "I know," I shook my head with a small smile dancing on my lips. "I just needed to get out of the house for a bit. Everyone's been on my back lately about The Saviors. It's giving me anxiety."   

   "Aw baby," he sympathized with a pout, leaning in to kiss my forehead. My eyes fluttered shut at the action, a smile etching upon my lips at the lovely feeling.  

  I nudged his jaw with my nose, making him grin a little, pulling his head down to allow his lips to hover over mine. My lips inched closer to kiss his, pouting when he pulled back with a cheeky grin, teeth tugging at his pink lower lip. Eventually, I caught his lips in a firm kiss, lips gently molding over his, my lower lip tucked between the gaps created my his own. He brought his hands back to cup my face gently, tilting his head to the side and pushing his lips firmer against mine.   

  I felt his lips part gently, tongue slipping out to drag lazily across my lower lip, making me part my own to allow his tongue to slide into my mouth. The kiss was slow and sensual, a content sigh escaping me and into the kiss as I felt all the stress and anxiety I have been feeling for the past few days disappear as I kissed him. My hands ran up his back, feeling his hot skin under the palms of my hands as his tongue rolled against mine heavily.   

  The kiss began getting heavy and messy, swollen lips parting to let our tongues collide in desperation as his hands messily grabbed at my waist while I tangled my fingers with his long hair. At the back of my mind, I used my telekinesis power to lock the door, feeling Harry let out a muffle chuckle at the sound of the lock clicking, evidently knowing why I did that. His hands began unbuttoning my jeans, pulling the zipper apart and pushing the material down my thick thighs. I shuffled out of them, somehow managing to keep our lips intact as I kicked my shoes off and stepped out of them. Harry then broke our kiss, only to tug my hoodie off my torso before joining our lips again.  

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