Damon Merellie

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So it turns out, Brooke wasn't having a miscarriage like we thought. I don't quite remember what the problem was, but the doctor said something about her taking a whole bunch of pills which caused her to go unconscious. And she wasn't bleeding out of her vagina; apparently she had a big gash on her inner right thigh, which we don't know how it got there, but then again, everything was happening so quickly that we didn't bother to check if it was her thigh.
Because of everything that happened, the doctors had to C-Section the baby out of her stomach so it would be okay, which it is. Brooke hasn't decided on a name for the baby yet, but we all know it's a boy, and it's Miguel's baby. Brooke was just confused when she said she was five months; the doctors did a DNA test, and it's Miguel's. So yeah, now we're all just sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear from the doctors if Brooke is going to be alright, which she probably is because there hasn't been any problems other than her taking a bunch of pills.

I'm sitting closest to the wall on the left, and jade is sitting next to me on my right, and Miguel is sitting across from me, his hands folded and his eyes pointed towards the ground.

To be honest, I actually feel kind of bad for him. His girl friend just tried to commit suicide, and after finding out that the baby is his, it might not live because we were to late getting to the hospital. Of course the baby is alive now, but there's a 50-50 chance of it living or dying.

- "So Miguel, any names for your baby yet?"

I said, breaking the silence.

Miguel looks up at me then, and smiles,

- "Yeah actually. I want to name him either Raphael or Levi."

- "Oh nice. Is there like anything special related to it? Like, do the names mean anything?"

- "Only for one of them. Raphael was my grandpas name; he passed before My thirteenth birthday. He was such a good man,"

Miguel lets out a slight laugh then.

- "He actually taught me how to speak English. I know I'm not that good at speaking it, but still. He was a real important person in my life and I think Raphael would be a good name."

I smile at that, and Miguel smiles back at me.

- "That's really sweet, Miguel."

Jade said.

- "Heh, thanks. And Brooke just likes the name Levi, so... Yeah, I might let her name him that. And I can't disagree with that, it's a nice name."

Before we could say anything else, a doctor comes walking our way dressed in a white lab coat thing, and his medium length hair put in a high man-bun.

- "Are you three here for Brooke Poole?"

- "Yes, I'm Miguel; her boyfriend. And these are our friends, Damon and Jade."

Miguel said gesturing to us.

- "Alright, well hi. I'm Dr.Mullins and I'm Brooke's main Doctor. She's doing quite well for her situation; other patients we've had here with her situation usually don't make it, so it's quite a miracle she lived. Would you like to see her?"

Miguel nods, and we all get up and follow the doctor to Brooke's hospital room.

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