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I got all the stuff out and put it in the blender, I looked at all the buttons, I put the cap on, I hit a button and then the smoothie went flying. "AHHH!" I screamed, I was soaking in smoothie, "Becca! You okay!" I heard Demi yell running into the kitchen, I ran to the door but ended up slipping "fuck!" I yelled slamming my head on the tile. Demi began laughing so hard, "what! Happened!" She laughed gasping for air. Even though my head was pounding I stood up. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry, I hit the wrong button and it went flying." I was so scared, her face let out a smile "I have to take a picture!" She began laughing.

I stood next to the blender and I smiled but looked scared at the same time. What's your Twitter Hun?" She asked. "@/imbecca15" I smiled. She followed me then she tweeted "don't ask @/imbecca15 to make you a smoothie! Silly girl!" She tweeted and within seconds I giant so many followers. "Hey Demi." I said. "Come give me a hug." I raised an eyebrow "no, don't you dare." Demi laughed, she turned around and began running and then her feet went out from under her causing her to fall, "oh my god! Demi!" I panicked running to her which only caused me to fall. Then we began laughing because we were both covered in smoothie, Demi pulled her phone out and we put our heads together and we took a picture.

I took a picture on my phone "I'm sorry demi. I'll clean it up." I said getting up, "wait! you need to shower, or you will drag it through the house." Demi said. "Oh, I'll go home and shower there." Even though I was TERRIFIED. "No, no, we can go in the back and hose off and then shower." Demi said. "O-okay."

"I was so scared you were going to be mad and hit me." I said looking down.


"I was so scared you were going to mad and hit me." She she looking down. I stopped as she kept walking "hit you? Why would I do that?" I asked concerned. "Because me dad hits me when I get introuble. Like a spank." She said. "Oh, no I wouldn't do that. I thought you meant like hit as in like beat or something." I laughed. I turned on the hose and I heard my back gate open. "Hey Demi!" My mail men smiled. I looked at Becca who was nearly drooling over him. "Hey Liam." I smiled, "who is this?" Liam. I looked at Becca who smiling "this is Becca, well Rebecca." I smiled. "Your beautiful." She said. I began laughing. "Wait! No! Oh my god!" Then she hid her face and moved behind me. "Demi, she looks a lot like you, who is she?" Liam smiled. "This is my new maid. And we kinda had a problem involving a blender." I laughed.

"Oh, well I'll let you to get with it." He laughed. I looked at Becca who was hiding her face. "Oh my god that was humiliating. But he is so hot oh my god." She laughed. "Awww!" I squealed.


"Okay, I'll hose you off then you hose me off." Demi smiled. "Yes ma'm." I smiled. She turned on the hose and put her finger on top of it so it sprayed. "Oh! Cold! Oh my god!" I laughed which made Demi laugh. Then I did the same and Demi did a little shimmy and turned around. "There you go!"

"Okay, you can shower in the guest room and I'll shower in my room. I'll get you some clothes that my younger sister Maddie left." Demi smiled. "Okay." I smiled. I did look like Demi, it was weird. We ran inside the house and she showed me how to work her fancy ass shower. "Thanks." I smiled. She left the bathroom and I closed and locked the door. I slowly took of my wet clothes then my bandages, my stomach had 8 cuts, my cheek had one big one my wrist had 4 deep ones. I admired myself in the mirror and began crying. "Rebecca your useless, your just a rag doll and a toy." I told myself. The water began to warm up so I got in.

I saw a razor,

"Do it Becca"
"Flush the blade after so Demi can't be tempted."
"Fucking do it slut"
"Your nothing more than a toy. You won't be successful. It won't matter"

The voices in my head kept saying, "shut up! Dad will shove the razors down my throat!" I nearly yelled. I sat there crying for a couple minutes when I needed to get out before I would do something. I turned off the shower and got out. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body. I can't remember the last time I used a clean towel. I was allowed one towel, I wasn't allowed to wash it only my clothes.

I opened the door and made my way to Demi's room. "Uh, Mrs. Lovato." I knocked on the door. She was singing Mr. Hughes. "Yes?" She said opening the door. "Uh- sorry." I looked down because she was in pants and sports bra. "Darling it's okay, what do you need?" She asked. I kept looking down and stepped backwards. "Clothes. You said you would get me maddies clothes..." I whispered. "Hey, Becca? Are you okay." Demi put her hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch. I began to breathe hard "I just need to go."


This poor girl, something was going on and I wanted to know. "Hey Becca? Are you okay?" I asked. I put my hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch really bad and she began to breathe hard. "I just need to go." She said. There was something seriously wrong. "Okay, I'll get the clothes. But Becca-" I kneeled down infront of her. "I really like you, I care about you so much. So please if there is something wrong or your scared of something please please tell me." I begged. "I-I-I'm fine." She stuttered. "Okay, follow me." I walked back into the guest room I pulled out a shirt with a puppie on it and black leggings, I pulled out underwear and a sports bra. "There you go sweetheart."

I saw her look at the clothes and it's like she had never seen them before, like new clothes.


"Thank you Demi. I'll see you tomorrow at 3." I smiled. "Wait- come here." Demi said. I walked to her and she grabbed me in a hug. "See you tomorrow kiddo."


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