You Saved Me (Nash Grier Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter One~

Lillyannas POV-

Ugh! Why did I put the rooster sound on my alarm clock. Now I have a headache. I jumped out of bed, took a shower, blow dried my hair and curled it a little, put on mascara and concealer, and threw on leggings, a sweater, and my cream converse. "7:00!?!?" shoot. I booked it down the stair only to find my laptop not sitting by my bag. "Mom! Where's my laptop?!" I scream across the living room. "Check the table!" I did and it was there, of course. It's 7:03, I'm gonna miss my bus. "Bye mom! I'm going to Nash's house after school so be home around 8. Love you!" I yell running to catch my bus. Nash is my absolute best friend ever. He's always been here for me. Like always, since we were 5. He's goofy, annoying, loud, cute, and his eyes are...wait what am I saying. I don't have feelings for him. Right?

Nash's POV-
Darn it. I forgot my binder. It's just one of those days I guess. "Hey Nash! Wait up!" I hear my best friend yell across the street. "Hurry Lil! Your always late!" I say laughing. She just sticks her tongue out and says with a grin, "And you always forget your binder. Am I right?". She's such a smart ass. I love it. We climbed on the bus, and pulled out our phones. "Did you get vine yet?" I asked her. "What's vine?" I shook my head. "Dude I told you about it yesterday. The 6 second videos...I have 10,000 followers... Ring a bell?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "Ohhhh that app. I will download it now!" She said with a huge smile on her face. Gosh, I love her smile. Her dark, dark, brown hair was perfect today. Curled and falling in her face like usual. Her pale skin, she almost looks like snow white but with longer hair. Shes my princess. Wait... What am I saying. I don't have feelings for her, right?

*hi guys! Ok so I'm kinda new at this, but tell me how this chapter is. Love ya bunches!*

~Chapter 2~

Lillyannas POV-

After school, me and Nash immediately found each other. We don't have any classes together so we try to meet up as much as we can. "So how was school?" He asked me. "Oh you know, school. Got into trouble a few times and did my work." I wasn't extremely happy because my mom hadn't texted me at all today which wasn't normal. She always checks up on me. I'm an only child, and my dad died a few years ago. I don't talk about it much. "Are you alright?" He said concerned. "Yeah..yeah! How was your day?" I replied. "It was good. People can be mean but I don't care about that. Had a quiz and I think I aced it!" he said with a smile. "Nice job! Oh my gosh.. This should be on the news! I can see the headline now. 'Nash Grier with an A, true or false?'" I said laughing. He just looked at me without expression, then laughed with me. We climbed on our buss and I decided to stop by my house for a minute to feed my cat. Nash came with me.

Nash POV-
My eyes scanned the hallway looking for lil. Aha! There she is. I jump up next to her. She was looking at her phone. Then I asked her how her day was. The whole time she was rechecking her messages. She seemed a bit off. She said she was fine, but I don't believe her. We kept walking and talking but she still was acting weird. We stopped by her house for a bit so she could feed her cat, then we walked to my house a couple of houses down. "Has your mom texted?" I asked. "No.. I'm kinda scared Nash. What if something happened?" she said with terror behind her eyes. I stopped her in the sidewalk and said, "Lilly, your my best friend. I will always e here for you no matter what. Your dad was an amazing man. I know nothing happened to your mom. I just know. You will be ok. I'm here for you," I lifted her chin from her phone to see she was crying, "always." I finished. I wrapped her in a hug and let her cry. I took her inside and let her and my mom talk for a bit. I went upstairs and got in comfy clothes. Then I came back down and sat next to her on the couch.

Lilly's POV-
Nash is truly amazing. He makes me feel so special and important. He means so much to me. So does his mom. "Hey mrs.G." I could never say Grier when I was little so I shortened it to G. I've never changed it. "Hi sweet pea. What's wrong?" she wrapped me up. She always knows when I'm sad. I started to cry. "My mom hasn't texted me at all today. That's not like her and you know that. I'm just scared that something happened to her like my dad." I confessed. "Honey. She's probably in a meeting. I promise you everything is gonna be alright! If she doesn't text you in 30 minutes we will call her. Ok? I love you and we will always be here for you." she said and hugged me then Nash joined in when he saw us and yelled, "GROUP HUG!!!" we laughed and squealed as he squeezed us up. We then moved over to the couch and watched full house.

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