Chapter 20

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Authors Note-~ ok guys, so again, I know it might seem like not a lot of action between Lilly and Nash, but just wait. It will catch up soon. Love ya, Faith, 143

Lilly's pov:

I woke up to the smell of coffee filling my nose. Gosh I miss the cafe in North Carolina.

I got up and grabbed my toiletries bag and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my face wash and toothpaste and did my daily routine.

"Hurry up." Nash moaned on the other side of the door.

I flew the door open and glared at him.

"Watch it Grier." I winked and walked away.

I threw some nike shorts on and a under armor shirt while putting my hair in a high pony tail. I grabbed my headphones and threw my tennis shoes on and ran downstairs.

"Good morning." I smiled at Callie.

"Morning sweetie. Going running?" She smiled sipping her coffee.

"I am! just before I attempt to put my bikini on."

"Don't need to worry about that Hun."

"I do though." I grinned taking a banana and looking at the time.

Sweet 6:15. If I get back around 7:30 I will have enough time to get ready.

"Be back around 7:30!" I said closing the door behind me.

I started walked down the driveway and stopped at the curb to pick a playlist. First song that popped up was What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club. I smiled and put my phone in the little pocket thing on my arm. I started to run when I saw Ashley stretching on her driveway. Shit. don't say hi, don't say hi, don't say hi.

"Lilly!!" She yelled waving at me.

"Oh hi!" I said taking my beats off.

"Wait up I'll run with you." she said walking toward me.

No. No. No. No. Ugh.

"Oh you don't have to!" I said through my teeth.

"I actually do." she said looking around and glaring at me once she knew Cameron wasn't behind me.

We started to awkwardly run together when she decided to 'break the ice.'

"So you and Cameron." She said facing forward.

"Yeah. Me and Cameron."

"Are you guys like a couple?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes we are. I'm quite happy to be honest." She chuckled. It was like the chuckle that a evil mean person makes.

"Be careful with that one." She started to grin.

I stopped to catch a breath and put my hands on my hips.

"Look. Whatever happened between you and Cameron happened between you two. Don't you fucking dare try and tell me to be careful. We clear?" I said pretty confidently.

"Whatever." She said and rolled her eyes. "Let's just turn around."

So we did and it was quiet until we were about 5 minutes away from home.

"I don't like you. You think your so cool dating a 17 year old when your 15." She said starting to jog.

"I really don't care what you think. you don't know me." I said.

"I know you more then you think." She grinned.

What's that supposed to mean.

Before I knew it I was shoved by the dumb blonde bitch. I fell into the street and tried to regain my balance but fell onto my butt. I attempted to get up but that failed due to twisting my ankle. Out of the middle of no where I hear a car horn and screeching tires and saw blackness.

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