Befriending my former enemies

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I hope you liked the other chapter and this one too =) Enjoy!

Brianna's POV

This time all four vampires laughed at me, I looked at them with confusion. The twin with green eyes answered me, "no, we don’t I can’t say the same with my other kin though."

The twin with blue eyes continued after he finished, "We should introduce our selves first shouldn't we?"

They finished together, "Before telling you why we don’t hate your kind."

I said to them, "My name’s Brianna Snow."

The green eye twin said, "Leo."  the blue eye twin said, "Sora" Together, "Nice to meet you Brianna Snow" giving me a dramatic bow and each kissing one of my hands at the same time. I giggled at their actions. The last male introduced himself as "Kennedy" and to call him Ken, and lastly the female introduced herself as "Valerie" and told me to call her Val.

"It’s nice to meet you, Leo, Sora, Ken and Val" I said sincerely standing up.

Val said, "Follow us; we'll bring you to our home to clean up and exchange stories." I followed them to a mansion in the outskirts of town, nowhere near the forest. Val gave me a change of clothes and showed me to the bathroom. I came out, refreshed and slightly relaxed, walked into the living room where all four vampires sat down still wearing their cloaks.

Staring at them curiously, I asked, “Do you guys ever take off your cloaks?"

Leo and Sora laughed answering, "Nope"

The four vampires told me everything about their kind and why they held no anger to my kind, but Val had a lot of mystery in her life that she didn’t tell me about. (I’ll tell you everything in the next chap :) and the main vampire characters in the one after that)

Ken just said, completely serious, "now tell us why you were out there by yourself."

I told them my entire life story, even things that I never told anybody. I didn’t know why, but I felt safe in their presence and could tell them everything with my complete trust. When I was done, all four of them sat there silently with no emotions in their eyes. Their faces were like stone, completely cold. The four of them exchanged glances as an idea passed through them.

The twins exclaimed, "We have an idea on where you can go!!"

"Where?" I asked with curiosity burning in my eyes.

Kennedy answered me, "There is a pack called The Shadow pack that live in Pennsylvania, they are one of the strongest packs in the state, they'll take you in if you tell them your story and train you so you won’t be weak anymore."


Hoped you liked it :) the next two updates will be bout the vamps

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