Vampire Info

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This is about the vamps when the four vamps were telling Brianna about their kind


No One's POV

Leo and Sora laughed answering, "Nope."

"Well," Kennedy started, "the vampire kingdom is currently being ruled the Queen, she is the most powerful vampire right now and our main ruler and the King is the Queen's mate but he was murdered by a rogue werewolf 150years ago protecting the Queen on their anniversary"

Valerie told Brianna, "That was what started the war between our kinds because the Queen went on a rampage at the murder of her mate. She killed each and every werewolf, with the help of her subjects, which stood in her way and protected the rogue. The war only ended because she managed to kill the rogue and the peace treaty was placed, but there is still animosity between our kinds because of the war."

Brianna gasped, "That’s why the war started????" The four vampires nodded. "I can’t believe someone would do that!"

Leo said, "Back to about our kind..."

"Our kind lives in the Amazon because of all the trees there..." Sora continued.

"No humans live there..." Leo

"Only vampires and you need a password..." Sora

"To enter our territory." Leo finished

Brianna's eyes widened in surprise, "so that's why no one can go to the Amazon. I never knew"

Val laughed, "No one’s supposed to know anyways. By the way, Brianna, anything we tell you today you cannot tell anyone else. And I mean NO ONE else." Bri nodded in understanding and agreement.

"Anyways, our kingdom has ranks just like the wolves," Ken said restarting the story, "the color of our cloaks represents our ranks."

"Oooooh, so that's why you guys never take it off and are different colors," Bri said in wonder.

"The highest rank in our kind is the King and Queen, but they have no special cloaks they just wear which ever group they belong in." Kennedy said.

Brianna questioned, "What happens if someone belongs in more than one group?"

"They wear the cloak of which is higher rank," Leo and Sora replied together. 

Val continued the conversation, "after the King and Queen is the Council of Elders, the Council of Elders consist of the 10 oldest vampires in the entire world, they wear a black cloak."

"So, you and Kennedy are one of the ten oldest vampires, that’s why you guys wear a black cloak?"

Ken nodded, "that's right."

"How old ARE you guys?"

Ken "713 years old"

Leo and Sora, "321"

Val said mysteriously, "very, very old" Brianna cocked her head to the side in confusion and curiosity but not saying anything.

Leo "after the Council of Elders is the Royal Guards which me and Sora are in, the Royal Guards wear a red cloak and protect the Queen and her family if she had any" Bri nodded silently.

"Next are the vampires that have special abilities, such as mind control, mind reading, controlling an element, telekinesis, future telling and a lot more, they wear a gray cloak." Sora

Val finished, "lastly are the normal vampires that have no special ability what so ever, they wear a brown cloak."

"Do you guys have any abilities?" Bri asked.

"Mind reading" Kennedy

"Can control fire," Leo

"Can control water" Sora

"Mind control" Valerie

Brianna's eyes widened

Val told Bri, “Leo and Sora belong in the Royal Guard and vampires with special abilities, Kennedy is in the Council of Elders, the Royal Guard and the vampires with special abilities, and I belong in the Council of Elders and the vampires with special abilities."

"we should tell you the pass to get into our territory should you ever need it, the pass is also our way of greeting each other at formal events and to show respect," Leo told me.

Sora finished, "when you hit our border, some vampires will greet you and you must kneel on one knee, bare your neck because you are willing to accept any punishment if you ever break our rules and say buria than that vampires name, but if you do not know their name you say what you think they are."

Bri asked, “What does buria means, what rules and what do you mean by saying what you think you are?"

"Buria means 'storm' in Russian," Kennedy replied, "the rules we tell you when you get there and we meant what word represents them best. Like if they look loyal, courageous, brave or such."

"Why buria?"

"Because a storm is how we fight if you attack us, betray us or invade our territory without our permission,” Val replied quietly.

"One more question...why don’t you hate my kind for what happened?"

"Because the King dying wasn’t your fault, it was the foolish rogues fault." Leo and Sora said together.

Oh was Brianna's response to the statement


Well there you have it info bout the vamps :)

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