There's Nothing in the Box

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[ Really sry if this book is bad. This is my first and I'm gonna try my best. Hope you like it.]

Dark Narrator POV-

    I live in a world where demons and humans live together, but just not peacefully. Actually, demons are treated like dirt, like nothing, like they don't exist..... Society is ruined.........

        But that's only the beginning

Dark's POV-
     I was afraid to come out of my house. I heard sirens and gun shots everywhere. I'm a demon, why am I scared of humans. But that's just the world I live in, powerful demons are scared of weak humans. Reason? I don't know. But I have to go hunting, (if your confused, Dark eats animals. He prefers humans, but under the circumstances.....), if I don't I might starve. So finally, after gathering up all my courage, I opened my front door. Luckily there weren't any humans around, they were all probably either sleeping or at there demon torturing club.

     I walked around, I couldn't see any animals, anywhere. This was very strange, but I just blew it off. After I walked a few blocks, across the street was a demon torture club. I went inside to check it out, what can I say, I'm a demon, I love seeing people get tortured, even if they are demons. When I went inside there were so many flashing lights, but finally it stopped. The room grew brighter, so I quickly put on a hoodie I grabbed earlier. I heard someone start talking threw a microphone, "Hello everyone, and welcome to DTC, (Demon Torture Club). I hope you all enjoy our next "act", he's a feisty one." After the man stopped speaking, I was actually scared for what's about to happen, even though I love torturing anyone or anything.

     I ran as fast as I could to get a better look at the stage. All I saw was a box wrapped in chains and a few men with microphones. "All right people settle down, settle down. What we have for you tonight is a very special demon, his name is Antisepticeye. He's a feisty one, so be on yours toes.", one of the men said. I stared at the box the whole time, waiting for it to open. I was confused but excited at the same time. "Alright fellow people of the DTC, let me introduce you to....... ANTISEPTICEYE!!!" The man unlocked the locks on the chains and opened the box door. Nothing came out. All three men on stage stood there, confused, but mad at the same time. "Alright folks, sorry for the wait, this demon is just not following orders." One of the man went back stage and then came back out with a little girl. Probably about 12-13. I couldn't even imagine what was about to happen to her.

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