5 Seconds

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Dark's POV-

     Jordyn started to run so I quickly followed her. I heard growling become louder and louder until I saw...... wait, Anti?! I couldn't believe it. How the hell did Anti get in here? I guess I was thinking to much about it because I didn't realize Jordyn was on the ground crying while Anti was standing over her.

Jordyn's POV-

    I was running for my life until I was tackled. I hit the floor with a wince of pain. "Why hello there "jojo". What brings you to the test of speed hmm?" "Get the fuck away from me you psycho!" "Is that how your going to treat your little 'daddy'?" He laughed, like it was actually funny. "SHUT UP!" "I know why you call him that, but don't worry. I wont tell your little, friend." He turned around and started to stare and smile at Dark like the psychotic bastard he is.

Dark's POV-

      I'm guessing this isn't the Anti I know. [DUH!] "Nice try asshole. I already know why she does. Her father died and she thinks of the real Anti as a dad." "Uuuuhhhh, oookkkaaayyy. First of all I am the real Anti, I just don't have a soft spot like the other one does. And second of all, are you that fucking stupid? SHE'S LYING TO YOU!" "Jordyn would never lie to Anti and I. Right?" I looked over at Jordyn worried. She was pouring tears right when I looked at her. "I-I'm so sorry." She said while looking down at the floor. "Awww, isn't that sweet. I guess you didn't know Jordyn as well as you thought you did." I looked at Anti. I had flames in my eyes, and all around my body. "YOU BASTARD!" I tackled him to the floor. I was beating the shit out of him, until I got yanked off. "Dark... that isn't going to do anything! It won't help...." "Like I need your advice. You lying piece of shit!" I grabbed her hair and lifted her to where she couldn't touch the floor. I threw her at least 30 feet away. "If your not gone in five seconds, I swear I will kill you where you stand." "D-Dark...." "1..." "DARK STOP!" "2..." "PLEASE!" "3!" "YOUR SCARING ME!" "Huh, well I guess you didn't know me as well as you thought you did."

Jordyn's POV-

     I ran as fast as I could. Tears pouring down my face. Why? Why does it have to be like this? Why am I such a coward? I heard Dark. His footsteps. His laugh. His voice. I thought he was gesturing towards Anti. I guess not. I heard the foot steps become louder and louder until... they stopped. I turned around to see if he was still following me. I didn't see him anywhere, no trace left behind. I turned back around just to see Dark directly in front of me. He was looking down, laughing. "You know, I can see why your mom just left you under that tree. I bet she wanted to die. She was probably just sick and tired of you." "SHUT UP! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I screamed at Dark. I noticed something in his eyes when he looked up. They were fully black with a little green pupil in each. That wasn't Dark. "W-who are you? Your not Dark!" "Figured you'd notice." He did a little twirl. "Like it? I do. It's much better than that other body. Dark's body is.... just sexy as fuck!" He said hugging himself. "Oh, and it's Anti by the way. Dark fucked up my original body, so I just took his." "Why didn't you just kill him?" "Uh, isn't it obvious?" "No, not really..." "Ugh, your so slow. I took his body..... BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY GRAY HAIRS IN HIS HAIR!!" Anti said laughing. "No not really. I just wanted to kill you with someone that you trust. I mean, I have Anti's face, but I'm pretty sure you can tell the difference." "Leave Dark alone!" "Excuse me? Didn't he just try to kill you like a minute ago?" "Well... yah. But Dark doesn't deserve this! I've done enough...." "Aww how sweet. Well too fucking bad. He's mine now." "Dark! I know your mad at me, and probably want to kill me. But if your in there, you can fight this! I BELIEVE IN YOU DARK!"

Dark's POV-

     Everything was pitch black. There was no sound, until I heard Jordyn shout "I BELIEVE IN YOU DARK!" I absolutely hate Jordyn right now. But I don't want that other Anti using my body. I had to think of a way to get out of here. I got and idea. I quickly turned into smoke and started to spread out through the darkness.

Jordyn's POV-

     I started to see smoke come out of Anti's nose. I guess he could feel it cause he rubbed his nose with his hand. "What the fuck is this?" The smoke started to rapidly come out now. It came out through the fake Dark's mouth, ears, and even eyes. I then saw Dark hovering over the lifeless Anti body. "Asshole..."

                                                To be continued...

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