Chapter 8: Moving In

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Two weeks passed and Dumbledore has called me up to his office. When I got there, I saw Snape.

"What's he doing here?" I sneered.

"What's she doing here?" asked Snape who also sneered except his sneer was without any emotion.

"Ladies, calm down I'll explain-"

"Haha, you're a lady now Snivellus!" I exclaimed. I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from laughing.

"Shut up!" spat Snape with fury.

"Careful what you say, or-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" boomed Dumbledore.

Snape and I stopped arguing and stared at Dumbledore in shock.

"Now, I got a letter from your mother, Lyra,saying that you have to move in with Professor Snape,"

"NO!" yelled Snape and I.

"You can't do this," whined Snape.

"Actually I can, also it would be safer and when you have those dreams, Professor Snape will be there to wake you up," said Dumbledore sweetly.

"Can't it be McGonagall?" I asked hopefully.

"Professor Mcgonagall," corrected Dumbledore.

"Yeah her," I said carelessly.

"No it can't and don't ask why,"


"And no buts, now Snape, would you lead Miss Riddle to her room?"

"Ugh fine," replied Snape.

The person I want to see the least, (besides Trumpbridge) is the person I have to see the most. I'm so going to prank him.

We arrived at a black mini house with a living room/kitchen and two rooms. Snape led me to my room and left me there to unpack. I used magic to change my room colors and style into the ones I have at my old muggle home: Dark turquoise for about 7/8 or each wall then a really light blue for the rest and the roof. I added a mini crystal chandelier and light bulbs to not make the room look so dark. Then. I stormed out of Snape's quarters to go to the owlery to write to mum and dad.

"Snowy," I whispered and she came out.

I wrote the letter and it said:

Dear mum and dad,

Hogwarts is going great, I became best friends with Draco and all of the Slytherins. The downside is that I'm forced to move in with Snape and it sucks. His quarters is so depressing. Anyways there is this one professor named Dolores Umbridge (but I call her Trumpbridge) and she works in the Ministry. I got detention on the first day with Harry Potter and she made us write with enchanted quills that cuts our hands and uses our blood as ink. I didn't write but Harry did and now his hand says 'I must not tell lies' because Trumpbridge believes he lied about you, dad, and what happened at the end of the Triwizard Tournament. One more thing, I notice I don't need a wand to do magic and I know what happens in the future and I don't need to a creepy voice to do that like Professor Trelawney. Hope your plan is working and I hope to see you soon.

Your Daughter,


I read it over to see if I made any mistakes, then I wrapped it on Snowy's leg and told her to go to Malfoy Manor.

Three days later, a letter came back to me saying:

Dear Lyra,

I'm glad you like Hogwarts and you're hanging out with Draco and the Slytherins. I wanted you to move in with Snape so he can train you at school so when we have a battle, you can be prepared. He's the Dark Lord's second most loyal Death Eater (I'm the most loyal) so be respectful to him. Follow Umbridge around and see what she and the ministry is up to, then report to me. She's only saying that Harry's lying so she can keep this all a secret. Your father doesn't admit it, but he's afraid that you'll become more powerful than him so DON'T RUB IT IN! See you during Christmas!


Great! I have to be nice to Snape and stay close to Umbridge Can this day get any worse?

You probably think this day would get worse, but it actually wasn't that bad, despite the fact that I have to stay with Snape, but I have a plan.

I started writing a list of things that would annoy Snape, and I'm ready to try it out.

First thing on the list: Write love letters from Lucius, we all know he likes him.

Dear Sevykins,

I love you! Meet me in Malfoy Manor in 1 hour.



P.S. Go alone!

I slip it in Snape's desk and waited behind the corner from him to arrive. When he arrived, he quickly noticed the note and read it. I creeped behind his shoulder and yelled, "AWW SNAPIE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" and laughed.

"I don't have a boyfriend, I'm going to Malfoy Manor to sort this one hour,,"stated Snape.

An hour later, Snape left which gives me plenty of time to come up with the next prank, yell, 'HEY GIRLFRIEND!' Every time you see him then bring him back to his quarters to ask him what his favorite song, then bore him to tears about yours.

I gathered the Gryffindors into the Gryffindor common room and told Malfoy if Snape asks him where I am to tell him I'm in the Gryffindor common room.

Right after I gathered the Gryffindors, Snape came in and I yelled, "HEY GURLFRIEND!" The Gryffindors laughed and Snape's flushed with anger.

"I'm not a girl," spat Snape.

"Really? 'Cause your hair says otherwise," I replied.

Snape glared at me and I said, "What? Your hair needs deep-conditioning and shampooing. Have you ever shampooed your hair before?"

Snape didn't reply.

"Anyways, come on Snivellus! Let's go get our hair and nails done at the beauty salon!" I said in a bubbly voice, like Collin bubbly.

I dragged Snape away to his quarters as the Gryffindors laughed.

"10 points from Gryffindor!" called Snape.

When we got back, Snape asked,"What was all that about?"

"I don't know," I replied, "What's your favorite song, Snivellus?"

"I don't have a favorite song," replied Snape emotionlessly.

"I have a lot. Here listen to it."

I played him my whole Playlist. All 34 songs.

"There is one song I want you to listen to, it's called 'Sweatshirt' by Jacob Sartorius, but you'll need bleach 'Accio bleach'" The bleach sat itself down right in front me as I started to play 'Sweatshirt'

After playing the horrible song twice Snape yelled in tears, "ENOUGH WITH THAT STUPID SONG GIMME THE BLEACH!"

I handed him the bleach and he poured it on his face and surprisingly, nothing happened except for more tears.

"Why do you have to torture me with this stupid song!" yelled Snape in between tears.

"I'm sorry, I never knew this song was this terrible," I said half-joking.


"Ok professor, I'll never play it again," I said respectfully.

"That's probably the first time you were respectful to me."

"Shoot, I've gone soft, don't get used to it, Snivellus," I sneered while laughing.

Snape also laughed, "I won't."

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