Chapter 1

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Evans POV:
I want to come out but I'm not sure if I should. I don't know What I'm so scared of Brian came out as bi last year and everybody was fine with it, but that's not the same as being gay. At least as bi I could be semi normal and like girls, but no I had to like guys and I had to like a sweet tall Irishman called nogla.

Ugh god. I've got to start somewhere though and I guess Brian is my best bet to start off slow.
So I call him and ask him to meet me in front of the main office building.
He meets me just where I ask him to.

"Hey Brian"

"Hey Evan what's up?"

"Brian, can I tell you something?"

Without hesitation he looks me in the eyes and asks me jokingly "Are you going to confess your undying love to me?"

"Not you, but defiantly an Irishman."

"Wait, what?"


"Did you just come out to me?"

*-_-* "maybe."

"Oh my god! Dude really. That's awesome! I'm not alone. Why didn't you say anything before now?"

"Well, I was scared."

"I'm calling bull. What could be afraid of?"

"Loosing my best friends." I begin to tear up slightly at all the scenarios that I made up in my head of my friends hating me because of this."

"Oh, you're serious. Evan, why would we not accept you? Everyone accepted me. What's the difference?"

"Because you can like a girl and be somewhat normal."

"Evan. We all know that none of the people you are friends with are "normal" that's way too boring."

I giggle slightly "yea I guess your right."

"You know I'm right. Now there are only two other Irishmen that I know of that you could know, so which one is it? "

"Wow, that was a fast change, and just for that I'm not going to tell you yet." I smile devilishly.

"Oh come on Evan." He wines "do you want the vanNogla too or jacknoss?"
(A/N I have no idea what their ship would be so I made one up jacksepticeye and vanoss to clarify)

"Nope, you can wait until I tell the rest of the group about my fabulosity."

"Sometimes I hate you."

"But you know you love me."

He doesn't respond.

"So how should I tell everyone else?"

"Why are you asking me? I just blurted it out to you."

"Well that's not enough for the other guys. It's gotta be something big." He stood thinking for a minute before saying, "Fire."


"Yes, exactly we get a cake with the phrase 'flaming homo' written on it."

"That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard... IT'S PERFECT FOR OUR IDIOTS!"
End of chapter one thank you for reading

Daithi de vanossWhere stories live. Discover now