Chapter 7

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"Hi I'm here to pick up the...'GAY' T-Shirts

"Oh yes, One moment it's finishing drying now. " the older man behind the counter tells me

"Okay, thank you so much."

"Of course. If I may ask are you the one these are for or is it for one of your friends? If that's not too personal."

"Oh. Not at all sir. It's for me, I guess It's going to my friends but they're about me."

"Don't be nervous there's no need to be. I came out a few years ago and even in my old age my old friends still didn't care, or didn't hear me."

I laugh lightly at the mans joke, making me feel at ease. "Thank you sir."

"Anytime." The man turns around with a bag in his hands. "Here you go. Just come back and tell me how it goes okay?"

"Yes sir." I walk out, box in hand.

-Time skip-

I get back to the dorm texting Anthony that I'm outside.

He texts back with 'Ready?'

'As I'll ever be'

'Okay well then lets go'

"I'm coming. I'm coming" I say to myself quietly.

I take the shirt out of the bag and Jesus if its not worse than i thought rainbow tie-dye guess we got to make the message clear.

"I'm gonna wait to put you on."

I make my way up to Anthony's apartment. Standing in front of his door i put on the shirt and walk knock on the door, shortly after Tyler opens the door, of course its Tyler.

"Sup fuckboi."

"Hey Tyler." I smile.

"The tall Irishman is here!"




Each of the guys greet me with there own greetings.

Marcel is the first to notice.

"What in the hell are you wearing?!"

"Haha very funny Nogla." Evan says.

"What?" I ask feeling my face heat up.

"Your shirt that's very funny."

"What about it I think i look fabulous with it on."

"Nogla you do look fabulous with it on but you should take it off before we all go out otherwise people will think you're gay."

"Maybe that's the point." I start getting a little angry.

The guys get a little wide eyed looking at each other and myself.

"No you're not." Evan doesn't look away from the television. "It's a funny joke but its old."

"Fine do you want proof." I walk over to Evan.

"Go for it." Once again he says without looking away from the screen.

"Okay. "I lean over and kiss Evan on the lips."

A/N:AAAAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDD I'M BACK, Sorta hehe, I'm sorry it took so long but its sucked but I'm back now  and I'm going to try and update as much as possible. now that summer is amongst us.

Daithi de vanossWhere stories live. Discover now