Dammit Mello

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After a few hours of playing Mario kart, you'd gotten tired of Matt beating you on every single level with those stupid red shells so you just decided to disconnect your (F/C) controller from his console and stood up.
Matt paused the game and looked up to you confused, you'd usually start requesting another game if you got tired of his victories but this time you just decided to completely stop playing.
"Hey (Y/N), everything ok babe? You're not beating me with the controller or even yelling at me for winning"
He grabbed your hand and got up himself. You looked at him and gave a small smile, yawning, you put a hand on Matt's shoulder snd nodded a yes.
"If fine Matt, just a little tired from today that's all"
He smiles and gave your lips a quick peck making a small blush creep on your cheeks.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow in the morning" With your yes half closed you gave him a small nod in approval and walked out of his room, but when you did you, you where quickly greeted by a sleeping Mello on the doorway.
You looked at him and couldn't help me 'awe' at how peaceful he looked in his sleep. And the only thing you could do to make it better and that was to go back into Matt and Mello's room and get, not only a blanket, but a sharpie too!
Laying the blanket over Mello, you kneeled down to him and started to draw a mustache right under his nose and a dick on his cheek, but for the finishing touch you added
'I love chocolate dick'
On his forehead. You took your phone out and took a few pictures for blackmail and quickly scattered to your room which you shared with another girl, catch was, she was 11 while you were 17.
You changed into your pajamas and slid under the covers thinking about your experience with Matt today, sure you felt bad for leaving him in an awkward situation but deep down you felt that you just weren't ready for that kind of thing. After thinking and thinking about Matt you finally fell asleep.

*Morning! Brought to you by An annoying 11 year olds Hello kitty alarm clock*

You heard your roommates alarm clock beeping so you decide to stand up from you comfy bed and walk all the way over to the dresser across the room to shut it off.

-Readers P.O.V-

I rubbed my eyes open and a huge yawn escaped my lips, took a quick look around my room and noticed my roommate with already dressed up.
"The hell are you doing awake em early kid, aren't you still on summer vacation?"
I asked the small red head but she just looked at me smiling.
"Morning? Heck you talking about (Y/N)!" She giggled "it's 10 o'clock and don't you remember that we all have a healthy talk in the cafeteria"
Health talk....I dint remover anything about a health talk but I guess it can't be that bad, so I guess I'll be a good child snd but ditch it like Mello does.
"Oh yeah no I remember! Just got side tracked a bit" smiling at her I picked out my clothes and quickly changed, but unlike other girls, I don't need no makeup cause I'm too good looking for that shit. 

-Authors P.O.V-

You where now sitting in one of the front seats of the Heath class meeting in the cafeteria.  It happened started yet so you just looked around and noticed that only kids from the age of 13 to 19 where there so you must be having a puberty talk...AGAIN, but tight before the Orphanage's nurse came in you say Matt and Mello walk into the large room.
You waved your hand hoping the guys would notice you and they did, so they pushed a few people out if their way to get to you but when they got to you, they noticed that there was only one seat Left leaving both of them looking at each other.
Quickly, Mello took a seat first leaving Matt no other choice but to sit in Mello's lap. You couldn't help but giggle at how stupid and awkward the two looked but what made you lose it was that Mello still hadn't noticed the sharpie art you made in him yesterday.

"ALRIGHT GUYS! As you all know, today you're having a health talk and does anybody know what we're gonna be talking about!" The nurse said cheerfully as many 13 year olds raised their hands. One of the kids said puberty but the nurse said no. Another one said staying healthy but no.
"Those are all VERY good guessed but no. But since you're all in the age that having a girlfriend or boyfriend matters were gonna be talking about 'Safe Sex!'"
After the nurse said you all where learning about having safe sex Melli quickly smirked at both Matt and you and whispered, "better pay attention you two, I don't wanna be called uncle Mello soon"
You rolled your eyes at him and signed while Matt just pinched Mello's stomach making him squeal a bit.
"Alright kids! I'm gonna pass a bucket full of these things called 'Condoms' I want each person to get one and I'll show you how to put them on"
As the bucket of condoms reached you three you grabbed one, Matt got four and Mello just shoved half of the rubbers into this pocket.
"Dude why the hell do you need so many dam condoms?" Matt asked and Mello just gave him a smooth look.
"Just wanna make sure you two are having 'SAFE.SEX'"

After the talk was over, Matt and you went outside to the back yard Of The orphanage and climbed up a tree you have know every since your mother left you there.
You two just sat on a thin branch and looked at the ground. Matt was playing with his DS as you just watched him play, he soon broke the silence when he asked where Mello was. You shrugged your shoulders and told him that he probably went to fill his condoms with water, seeing on how that's what all the other kids where doing with them.
"If you ask me, those kids are just wasting the things. If I knew they where gonna use them as water balloons I would if taken them myself and used them for something more fun and useful" He put his hand on your thigh and smirked at you. "IF. You know what I mean~"

You gave Matt a small smile and took his hand off your thigh, "Matt, I told you I don't think-"
"You're not ready, I know I know. Just store them for another time" "yeah...die another time" You two smiled at each other and leaned in for a kiss, but the branch couldn't support both of your guy's weight on the same side so it snapped in half and collapsed, leaving you two splatted on the ground.

Matt quickly got up and crawled to you, "babe (Y/N) are you ok!?" He shook you impatiently. "My god yes I'm ok! I just sprayed my ankle, that's all" He quickly took a look at your ankle and picked you up bridal style. Your face turned a deep red and squirmed. "Matt it's just a sprayed ankle! I can walk!" "There's no way my princess is gonna torture herself, you're my Zelda to my link and therefore I shall rescue you from walking on a sprayed ankle!"
He pumped up his chest and put his goggles on his head. You signed and rested youth head in his chest. "Whatever makes you happy~"

He walked you to his room to cheek your ankle out but when he kicked the door opened what you two saw had Melli written all over it. Every inch of the wall had a condom taped to the wall, every drawer had been overflow king with condoms, the fucking pillows where even overflowing with condoms!

Matt out you down and just looked at the room in shock but at the same time, he was gonna have to congratulate him in the amazing prank. You walked over to a piece of paper in the floor and read it out load to Matt.



Very sorry for the VERY late update!

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