Chapter 2 - Deal

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Yep, that's right. I just asked Cole Williams to be boyfriend.

'What?!' Cole spluttered, 'You're really that desperate?! I didn't see you as the desperate type! Jeez! You got some ne-'

'Oh God, no!' I interrupted him, 'At least let me explain.' I sighed.

'I, um, kind of need you, to, um, be my um,...' I started, 'My fake boyfriend..' I whispered as I looked at the floor.

Cole laughed, 'Wait what?! What the hell is wrong with you?!'

I frowned up at him, suddenly feeling angry, 'Excuse me?! There is absolutely nothing wrong with me!! I asked you a simple question!! I need your help!! I really need your help! You have no idea how much I need your help!! And yes, I know it sounds weird as hell but I need you to be my fake boyfriend otherwise I will probably die of embarrassment!!'

He looked a bit taken back at first but he soon recomposed himself and smirked, 'Why?'

'Well... You probably know that Aaron, um, cheated on me with.... Emma.' I muttered, my face going red with embarrassment.

He nodded and frowned.

'Well, I want to get back at him...'

He nodded.

'And, well, you two don't exactly like each other...' I muttered.

He nodded, again.

'Ugh, if you were my boyfriend, it would kill him, he would get so angry, and right now all I want to do is, well, see him suffer. So please.'

He nodded, AGAIN, and then smirked, 'I see.'

'Yeah, and it's kind of like a win-win, because I would be getting revenge and you would be annoying the shit out of Aaron!' I grinned.

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly before replying, 'Well, I don't know, annoying Aaron's great and all but it's not a win-win, I think I need more than that.' He wiggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head as I winced, 'Nothing sexual!!!'

He rolled his eyes, 'No, that's not what I meant, but I wouldn't mind i-'

'Okay, okay, don't.' I said.

'What I meant was, I'll help you if you help me, I need to get some good grades for maths, Mr Peterson told Coach I need to get good grades in Maths before the end of this term or I won't be able to play the big game at the end of the season, so if you tutor me, I'll fake date you.'

I smiled, then frowned, 'But I'm not good at Maths.'

'I know you get B's though because the teacher always reads out the results and in my eyes that's better than good.' He rolled his eyes.

I grinned up at him. 'So, is that a deal?'

'Deal.' He replied as he shook my hand.

'Right, so what happens now? Do we act like a couple now?' Cole asked as he sat down in the seat next to me. 

It was last period and Cole and I were now in Maths and we haven't spoken since we made our arrangement at lunch.

'That's Amanda's seat' I sighed,  'and too soon, maybe just, like, um, act close now.' I replied.

Cole looked behind him, then to left and then to the right until his eyes stopped at the doorway, my eyes followed his gaze until they also landed on the doorway to see Aaron. He was glaring at Cole and Cole was glaring back, I think they were having a stare off.  I frowned at the two of them before Cole suddenly grabbed my hand and kissed it, I blushed slightly as he smirked.

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