Chapter 3 - Aaron's house?!

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'Let me love you!! Let me love you!!!!' Gee screeched as she turned up the volume on the radio.

'Don't you give up! Nah nah nah!!' I sang back.

'I won't give up! Nah nah nah!!' We shouted in unison.

'I'd die to meet Justin Bieber!' Gee shouted over the loud music.

I quickly turned down the volume as I kept one hand on the steering wheel.
'I know you would, you're like his number one fan.' I rolled my eyes.

She grinned. 'So, anyway, I think it's great that Cole has decided to help you.'

I smiled back, 'Yeah, I guess it's great.'

'Of course it's great! You can get back at Aaron! Oh and I heard about what you said to him in Maths! You go girl!' She clapped her hands.

'Oh yeah, how did you hear about that? I was just about to tell you.' I furrowed my eyebrows.

She frowned in thought, 'Umm, I think Eleanor told me, but everyone's talking about how funny it was.'

'Oh God, it wasn't that funny, I guess I just thought of a good comeback.' I said trying not to laugh.

'A great comeback!' Gee corrected me.

'Okay, okay, thank you, thank you very much, now get out.' I said, smiling sweetly, trying not to laugh, as I pulled up to Gee's house.

Gee's house was one of those big cottage houses, it was so pretty, her mum had decorated the front porch with fairy lights and pretty flowers were planted on either side of the path leading to the door.

'Aw, that's a shame, I love this song,' She frowned, 'Are you sure you don't want me to come stay with you?'

I smiled, 'No, it's fine, I've stayed on my  own enough times now, and mum should be back Thursday! 3 days!!'

'Okay, only if you're sure and yay! I can't wait to see her!' She gave me a slight hug before jumping out the car.

'I'll call you later!' I shouted as I sped off.
I only lived a few streets up from Gee so it would only take me 5 minutes to get home, and at the speed I was going it would take even quicker. I guess I drive fast because of my car, it was a Porsche 911 turbo and it was even my favorite color, baby blue, my mum bought it for me on my birthday last year and once she did I died from excitement! 

'She said Hola,Como estas, she said konnichiwa, she said pardon my french, I said Bonjour madame!' I sang loudly as I pulled in to my driveway.

I suddenly started choking on my own breath as I saw my mum's range rover parked in front of my car. Was she home early?!? I quickly jumped out of my car and ran to the front door, I checked the door to see if it was locked, it was open! She must be home!! 

I ran into the main hallway as I shouted, 'Mum?!!'

No answer.

'Mum?! Are you home?!!' I shouted again.

'Liv!!!!!' My mum suddenly came running out of the kitchen, her brown hair was curled and she was dressed in a beautiful long sleeved white flowery dress which ended just below her knees.

'Mum!!!' I cried as I ran up to her and hugged her.

'I've missed you so much!' She smiled down at me.

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