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Have you ever wanted to get revenge on someone so badly, that the thought of not getting revenge makes you want to rip all your hair out and bury yourself alive?

Yeah, well I have.

Have you ever gotten so angry at yourself for trusting a certain person, who turned out to be a sly dick who humiliated you?

Yeah, well, again, I have.

And have you ever gotten so angry at that certain someone, that you change your ways, just to get revenge?

Well, yeah, I have and it was all because of Aaron Black.
My ex.
The ex that decided to cheat on me with the blonde haired bimbo who is only popular for her fake boobs, who goes by the name of Emma Saunders.
Even though it had only been a week, I still remember it like it all happened a minute  ago.

It had been a Sunday evening, and every Sunday evening I would go round Aaron's house and I'd help him study for his upcoming Monday test and once I say studying, I also mean a quick making out session.

Anyway, I had knocked on the front door to his house a few times and there was no answer, so I used the key he gave me a few months before and let myself in.

I had walked around the whole ground floor, which was empty, before I decided to go upstairs and as I was walking up the stairs I heard... Um lets just say... Strange noises.

At the time I was completely oblivious to the fact that the noises were coming from Emma's dirty mouth. I mean you wouldn't expect to hear moans from your boyfriends bedroom, especially your boyfriend who had been your boyfriend for a year and a half! At the time, I just thought Aaron was playing GTA and shouting, but boy was I wrong.

Anyway, straight to the point, I opened his door to find him and Emma canoodling under the covers. I was so shocked by what I saw, I genuinely fell to my knees, speechless and I know that may sound dramatic but I guess... I loved him.

And yeah basically, once he saw me, he cussed a lot before pulling his pants on and running over to me.
I can remember every detail on his face, his eyebrows were raised and his mouth wide open, his eyes filled with regret. He had crouched down beside me and his eyes were darting all around my face, until they met mine. He had put his hand up to touch my face, to which I quickly swatted away as I got up, tears in my eyes. I can remember the smug look Emma had on her face once I looked at her, God I hated her so much, I bit my lower lip which was trembling.

'Livvy..' Aaron said, his voice breaking.
I can remember the horrible feeling I got in the pit of my stomach as he said the nickname he had for me.
It broke my heart.

'No Aaron. We're over.' I said quietly, my voice sounding strained as I held back the tears.
I shook my head at him as the tears started to roll down my face, I had quickly turned away and sprinted down the stairs and out of the doors.
And I haven't spoken to Aaron since.

The Monday after it I couldn't bring myself to go to school, I had been crying all day long and to make matters worse I didn't have my mum to hug me.

The Tuesday I, again, didn't go to school, I was still a crying mess and being the soppy girl I am, I watched sad movies all day, just to make me cry more.

The Wednesday, I had kind of stopped crying but every now and then a few tears left my eyes. Oh and yet again I didn't go to school, but mostly because I didn't want to face Aaron, because I knew I would cry as soon as I saw him.

The Thursday, I had kind of stopped feeling sorry for myself and tried to think positive, I had mustered up the courage and drove myself to school but as soon as I parked my car I saw all the football jocks and even though I didn't see Aaron, it still reminded me of him, to which I cried and drove back home.

And then Friday came and after a few pep talks from my best friend, Gee, on the phone, I decided to go to school. Which was actually, probably, one of the best things I could of done, as I didn't see Aaron at all, and I didn't see Emma at all, and Gee was just taking my mind off everything and making me laugh. Which is what best friends are for.
So then, Saturday soon came round, yesterday, and Gee made me go out with her to town, to take my mind off things, I tried to protest as I had planned on watching sad movies all day but Gee meant business, as she forced me to go.
Even though I was grateful to her for trying to help me out and things, town was probably the worst place to go, as we just happened to see Aaron and his big group.  We were just walking past McDonald's and at first I didn't notice but Gee starting acting suspicious and she was purposely trying to get me to look at her and not behind me, to which I looked behind me and saw the big group sat on the wall.
Most of the boys were shouting at each other, some of the girls chewed gum whilst twirling their hair and Aaron was sat in the middle with his arm around..... Emma...... I just thought that it was a one night stand... Why was he with her......  Suddenly, she, unlike Aaron, noticed me, and once she did, she smirked and being the childish bitch she is, she decided to eat Aaron's face off, to which he didn't stop, he actually encouraged the kiss by pulling her closer.
It was at that moment something inside of me clicked and I realized I needed to get revenge.

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