Chapter 21- Coles Pov

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'That Liv girl is a bitch.' El scoffed as she looked at herself in the wing mirror.

'What the fuck?! No she isn't!Why do you say that?' I yelled defensively, trying hard not to lose my temper completely.
I kept my eyes on the road, the road up to Chris' Lake House was confusing and I was not willing to get lost.

'Because she told me that you and her were dating when you're clearly not.' El said as she folded her arms. 'And why are you sticking up for her?'

'We were.' I muttered as I sped up the car. 'And because she's my-, because it's Liv!' I added, my voice breaking slightly.

'Why? What do you mean because it's Liv?'

'Because! I don't know.' I spat through gritted teeth as I tried to calm myself down.

'Cole, seriously why were you even with her?' El asked in a bored tone.

'Don't El! Don't talk about her as if she's...' I stopped before I sighed, 'Just leave it.' I groaned as I pulled into a car park space outside Chris' House.

'I need to speak to Alex, just stay here. I'll be 5 minutes.' I sighed as I jumped out of the car.

'Don't leave me alone!!' I heard Els voice screech as I walked up to the house.

'Cole!' I heard Alex's voice call from the walkway up to the house.

'Alright, Al.' I grinned as I walked up to him.

Alex smiled as we did our usual fist bump/bro hug before he quickly frowned at me and folded his arms.

'El.' He said loudly, a hint of anger in his tone.

I knew I'd have to face Alex about this at some point.

'What about her?' I asked, playing dumb.

'Cole, don't act stupid.' Alex hissed.

'I don't know what to say.' I muttered.

'What about Liv?' Alex frowned.

I sighed, feeling guilty.

'For gods sake Cole!! She was crying over you.' Alex whisper yelled.
'She thinks she's not good enough. How would you feel if Liv just randomly told you that you had to keep your distance because of aaron?!'

I felt a horrid pain in my chest at the thought of Liv crying over me and I just wanted to hold her tightly and warmly in my arms.
I gulped before I recomposed myself, 'I felt bad.. for El..' I mumbled as I shoved my hands in my pockets.

'So?! She's a horrible cow Cole! She manipulates you! How many times do I have to tell you until you finally get it?!' Alex yelled.

I breathed deeply as I felt myself getting angry, 'I know, okay? I know that she's a bitch. I just wanted to not feel guilty about what I supposedly did to her?! I thought that because she made me happy before she would make me happy now and get rid of my guilt! Clearly, I was wrong. I know that!!'

'Liv made you happy, Cole.' Alex frowned.

'I know she did, and she still does, the thought of her even makes me happy!' I yelled, my voice breaking.

'Just say sorry to her then!' Alex yelled back.

'I want to, Alex! You have no idea how much I want to, but there's no point.' I muttered as I kicked the floor.

'Just come find her with me.' Alex pleaded.

'Who the hell is that?!' I sighed as I looked at the end of the deck to see Liv all over some guy with brown hair.

'I don't know, she's drunk Cole.' Alex replied as we got closer to them.

'I think it's Matt.' Ellis chirped in.

'Well, Matt can fuck off.' I replied as I felt myself tense.

'But I don't wanna leave you!!' Liv cried as she looked up at Matt. She looked amazing in her purple bralet and dark jeans. I smiled to myself as I saw Liv's face. Still as beautiful as ever.

'What the fuck?' I laughed to myself as I watched Liv and Matt.

'Al.' I whispered as I shook my head to which he turned round to face me. 'she's fucking pissed.' I said loudly as I folded my arms.

'Exactly see what you've done-' Alex rambled on, I ignored him as I stared at Matt with his arm around Liv. I breathed angrily and heavily as I watched them.
I clenched my fists before I looked back at Alex, 'I told you I shouldn't say sorry, Alex! How many times do I have to fucking tell you?!' I yelled as I kicked a bin over in anger before I stomped back to the car.

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