Episode 8

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"How are you feeling about what Taylor told you?" The producer asked Camila. After her sit down with the taller girl, she was promptly pulled away by the crew, asking her questions in a rather urgent manner.

"Obviously it bothers me, Taylor specifically took time out of her day, out of our one on one time, to warn me about something that made her uneasy. It stressed me out that she felt the need to say this and that I now need to keep an eye open."

"Don't you know Lauren? Why would you keep an eye open?" He continued. Camila was a little grateful because his questions prompted structured reflection that she wouldn't table to achieve on her own.

Camila sat back in her seat and chewed on her bottom lip.

"Lauren told me herself she's changed. I mean, if someone ran into me before the show and asked if I know Lauren, I definitely would have said that I didn't. Lauren's claiming to be a new
person with a new outlook and I'm not saying that she's turned into a bad person, but I can't just assume things. Just like I can't assume Taylor is right." Camila explained to herself more than she explained to the camera.

"What if Taylor isn't lying? What if Lauren's here for the wrong reasons or is causing trouble?"

"Then she goes home." Camila answered rather quickly.

"What if Taylor is lying?"

"Then she's lying." Camila shrugged.

"So if Lauren is lying to you, she gets sent home. If Taylor is lying to you, then there's no repercussions?" The producer asked.

Camila felt like she just got caught in a lie.

"Does Lauren have a history of lying to you?" The producer pressed.

Camila shook her head slowly.

"Why did you two break up?"

Camila took a second to think.

"We wanted different things." She settled on.

She wasn't lying, just wasn't elaborating. What was she supposed to tell everyone, that Lauren dumped her out of the blue and couldn't be tied down? There was no way she was admitting that.

"What was it like after the break up?"

I broke down and was a mess for a year before I even remotely picked myself up. Oh, and I sent her many drunk voicemails, She thought of saying.

"It was hard." Camila decided on that answer and shrugged.

"How was Lauren after the break up."

"Don't know," Camila responded in full honesty this time. "No one could get in touch with her."

"Did you two have plans?" He asked and Camila was beginning to believe the questions wouldn't end.

"Obviously, we were together for three years and have know each other our entire lives."

"Plans like...?"

"Well nothing was concrete, I guess." As her voice trailed off, another member of the crew motioned for her to continue and Camila remembered that this was all for some television show. "We were going to visit Fiji and the south of France together." She revealed.

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