Day of depature

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"Congratulations, Miss Darik. We would like to invite you to our casting. If you want to, you can perform in front of our jury and get the chance to work for us. Do you accept our offer?"
These words linger in my head. If I accept the offer? Seriously? I would have to be totally out of my mind not to do that! I always wanted to work at this theater. And now they want to see me performing. I still cannot believe that my biggest dream came true. I truly got the chance  to work at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. 

The woman called me four days ago.  Immediately after accepting the offer I booked a flight to Orlando. Yesterday, I had a farewell party with my dearest friends and my family. We talked about bygone experiences, we laughed a lot and we enjoyed being together for a whole night. Nevertheless it was a night full of tears. It was pretty hard for me to say goodbye to these persons who all have a place in my heart. Nobody knows when I will return.

Now I sit at my desk, look outside the window at the center of Frankfurt. I see modern houses, shiny skyscrapers and some old but still beautiful buildings.  There are a lot of people walking down the streets and cars drive along the road.  I wonder when I will see this city again. But at the same time I can't wait until I arrive in Florida. I never flew to America yet, so it will be a big adventure. But happily I won't be alone there. I have a good friend who lives in Orlando. I met her during an exchange program from my school, almost 9 years ago. And we still are best friends today. Her name is Nicole, I call her Nicky, and she works as a nurse in her native city.

Oh! A thousand pardons! I didn't introduce myself yet. My name is Alisa and I'm 26 years old. I live in a small flat in Frankfurt/Main and as you already know I'm an actress. Acting, music and singing are very important parts of my life. I've played in normal theater plays as well as in musicals. If I would get the job in Orlando I'll play in musicals. Nobody can tell how excited I am.

Suddenly, my doorbell rings. It has to be my mom. She is going to drive me to the airport. I stand up and open the door.

"Hey, mom! It's great to see you. How are you?" I say and hug her heartily.
"Hello, sweetheart. I'm pretty sad, to be honest. How are you?"
"I'm sad and excited at the same time. But I'm ready to go." I go back to my bedroom and take my suitcases.  Take a look at my flat one last time - okay. Everything's fine. It's time to go now.
My mom and I leave my flat and get in her car. 

Some minutes later we arrive at the airport. Mom and I take my suitcases and go to the check in counter.

"I will miss you so much, Alisa." my mom sighs.
"I'm going to miss you, too! I know that I will miss you all."
"Do you really have to go?" she begs and looks at me desperately.
"Yes, mom. You know that I always dreamed about being an actress in America. I just have to take this chance. And we will stay in contact via Skype, I promise."
"Oh, sweetheart." she says and hugs me. Tears run down her face.
"Mom, please.  Seeing you crying makes me cry, too." I say and begin to cry.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the flight FROR39 will leave in 1 hour. We ask all passengers to check in now." That was an announcement. FROR39 is the flight I have to take.

"I have to go now. Goodbye, mom. I love you!" I hug her again and try to stop crying.
"I love you, too. Goodbye, my dear. Please tell us when you arrived."
"I will, definitely. I really have to go now. Goodbye!" I say and turn around to check in. 

Orlando, here I come!

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